INTRODUCTING our NEWEST 50 Digital Books added to our Catalog!
First, you will read our NEW 50 Digital Books then followed by our "Complete 250 Digital Catalog".
ooks by Randy Alcorn
Book #474 The Grace and Truth Paradox by Randy Alcorn (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Truth without grace breeds self-righteousness and crushing legalism. Grace without truth breeds deception and moral compromise. Is it possible to embrace both in balance? Jesus did. Randy Alcorn offers a simple yet profound two-point checklist of Christlikeness. In the end we don’t need grace OR truth. We need grace AND truth. And for people to see Jesus in us, they must see both.
Books by S. Arterburn
Book #383 Seven Keys to Spiritual Renewal by S. Arterburn and D. Stoop (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This book is based upon principles revealed in the Bible about how a person can experience a deeper relationship with God and have more satisfaction in life. As you encounter locked doors in your life, we invite you to use the keys that fit. They will open doors that may have been closed for a long time.
Books by Kay Arthur
Book #3 Lord, Where Are You When Bad Things Happen? by Kay Arthur (Narrator: Kay Verrall) It’s a question many who call Him “Father” try to avoid. Through this 10-week study of Habakkuk, you will see how God works in and through terrible situations.
Books by Henry Blackaby
Book #54 Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Blackaby challenges Christians to experience the fullness of a life lived in fellowship with the loving, personal God.
Books by E. M. Bounds
Book #124 The Purpose of Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This is the fifth book in the series on prayer. Some of the chapters to be considered are Prayer is a keynote, Prayer can change God’s purpose, Prayer has conditions, Attitudes regarding prayer, and Characteristics of true prayer.
Book #140 The Weapon of Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The sixth book in the eight-book series on prayer. Some of the chapters covered are God Says Prayer is Essential, Putting God to Work, and God’s Need of Men Who Pray.
Books by Tony Evans
Book #137 The Battle is the Lord’s by Tony Evans (Narrator: Marty Jensen) “It is your ability to control and influence the spiritual realm that will determine victory or defeat in the physical realm,” Evans explains. Within these pages, he shows the way to achieving that victory, helping you thwart Satan’s evil schemes by tapping into the resources of our undefeatable Lord.
Books by Rachmiel Frydland
Book # 635 When Being Jewish Was a Crime by Rachmiel Frydland (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) This is the amazing story of how Rachmiel Frydland, a Jew, was delivered from death time after time during the years of the Nazi occupation of Poland. Perhaps more importantly, this is Frydland's account of how the God of his ancestors invaded his life, delivered him from death--first spiritually, then physically--and led him into a ministry of proclaiming Messiah Jesus. He is a Jew who suffered persecution under the Nazi government and a Christian who was either helped or shunned by other Christians during his years as a fugitive. He challenges us to consider
Book #105 Billy Graham by Sam Wellman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) No preacher before him had used the mass media to such advantage. No preacher before or after him has delivered the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to so many. Billy Graham, who has preached in person in more than 80 countries to over 110 million people, and has reached hundreds of millions through television and radio, is truly a phenomenon of the 20th century. Billy Graham has remained as sought after in Washington, DC as in Warsaw. His personal integrity and humility, and most of all his simple yet profound delight in God’s word, continue to influence lives and win souls for Jesus Christ.
Book #251 Hope for the Troubled Heart by Billy Graham (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Sooner or later each of us experiences pain and frustration from the times we live in. In this book we grasp the depth of God’s love in the midst of our personal hurts, face failure and disillusionment realistically, but with unshakable hope, learn to pray through our pain with confidence, and store up strength for the storms on the horizon.
Book #620Answers to Life’s Problems Guidance, Inspiration and Hope for the challenges of Todayby Billy Graham (Narrator Kathleen Lane) In response to thousands of letters from concerned people just like you, Billy Graham, the world’s best-known evangelist, offers guidance on finding answers to the most frequently asked questions about ourselves, our relationships and our lives. Dr. Graham answers your questions with candor and insight, pointing the way to the Source for advice you can use to resolve your problems- today!
Book #153 The Lost Campers by Paul Hutchens (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) From Moody Press, another kids adventure series entitled “The Sugar Creek Gang.”
Book #154 Mystery Thief by Paul Hutchens (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Another of The Sugar Creek Gang mysteries.
Book #156 The Green Tent Mystery by Paul Hutchens (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Another of The Sugar Creek Gang mysteries.
Books by Pauline Hutchens
Book #165 The Big Bike Mystery by Pauline Huchens Wilson (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) A new kids mystery book from the New Sugar Creek Gang.
Book #166 The Case of the Red Hot Possum by Pauline Hutchens Wilson (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Another New Sugar Creek Gang mystery.
Books by R. T. Kendall
Book #386 Total Forgiveness by R. T. Kendall (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) True inner peace awaits you! You can avoid spiritual quicksand and experience the incredible freedom found in total forgiveness. Is total forgiveness easy? Of course not…but this book will give you a game plan…and the encouragement to cast out areas of unforgiveness that have kept you from enjoying the best God has to offer you.
Books by Joy Lawler
Book #336 Women of the Bible by Joy Lawler (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The Bible People study series will help you discover information and reflect on insights relating to important figures in the Bible. The Bible Discovery Method asks questions like What can we know about this Bible person? How does what I know about this Bible person affect me? In this book learn about Mary, Rahab, Bathsheba, Ruth, Naomi and others.
Books by Max Lucado
Book # 631 You’ll Get Through This (Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times) by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) You’ll get through this. Whatever “this” is – financial woes, relationship valleys, health crises. You fear you won’t make it through. You fear that the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten? Yes! God is in the business of redeeming the broken. Do you crave some hope for these tough times? Then this is the message you need.
Books by David Mathis
Book # 700The Christmas We Didn’t Expect by David Mathis (Narrator: Rosella Goddard) The Christmas story is one surprise after another, and none more so than this: that God himself became one of us. But sometimes the details become so familiar that they lose their impact. In this Advent devotional, David Mathis walks us through the surprising twists and stunning turns of Jesus’ arrival. These 24 daily readings and prayers will renew your worship of and wonder at Christ during the Advent season, as you marvel each day at the one who become flesh that first Christmas.
Books by Josh McDowell
Book #400 Friend of the Lonely Heart by Josh McDowell and Norm Wakefield (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) You CAN overcome the loneliness from being rejected. The authors give you practical proven advice that will enable you to break the loneliness cycle, put real meaning into your life, and help you uncover the reasons why you feel lonely. Discover how the true friend of the lonely heart can empower you to live an exciting, more fulfilling life.
Books by Joyce Meyer
Book #170 The Word, the Name, the Blood by Joyce Meyer (Narrator: Allison Wilson) In this book she uncovers the keys of building a strong foundation in the scriptures that govern our authority as believers, correctly using the authority of the name of Jesus, and understanding the power we have through the blood of Jesus. By using principles outlined in this book, you will learn to effectively use the weapons God has given you!
Books by Beth Moore
Book # 662 Get Out of That Pitby Beth Moore (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) From her first breath of fresh air beyond the pit, it has never been enough for Beth Moore to be free. This author and teacher who’s opened the riches of Scripture to millions has longed for you to be free as well. Her journey out of the pit has been heart-rending. But from this and the poetic expressions of Psalm 40 has come the reward: a new song for her soul—given by her Savior and offered to you here, friend to friend. It is Beth Moore’s most stirring message yet of the sheer hope, utter deliverance…and complete and glorious freedom of God. It is a story, a song—a salvation—that you can know too.
Books by J. I. Packer
Book #236 Knowing God by J. I. Packer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This classic has revealed to countless Christians around the world the wonder, the glory and the joy of knowing God. Now more than ever, next to the scripture, this 20th Anniversary Edition could be the most significant book you will read this year...or the next.
Books by Frank Peretti
Book #147 The Wounded Spirit by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Frank Peretti’s examines the pain from his past and helps us uncover the scars in our own lives in this nonfiction work. From tragic stories like Columbine, he illustrates how ridicule and rejection can push people beyond the brink. Then he shows us the way to heal the wounded spirit that lies within us all.
Book #152 Escape from the Island of Aquarius by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Book #2 of the Cooper Kids Adventure Series. Join Dr. Cooper, Jay and Lila as they travel to an exotic South Sea Island and battle a tyrannical leader of a cult, vicious poisonous snakes, fierce biting insects and bone crushing earthquakes.
Book #157 The Tombs of Anak by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Allison Wilson) Book #3 of the Cooper Kids AdventureSeries. Jay, Lila and their archaeologist father, Dr. Cooper, hope to find a coworker who has unaccountably disappeared. Instead, they stumble onto a frightening religion and new mysteries that soon put them all in incredible danger.
Book #179 Trapped at the Bottom of the Sea by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Book #4 of the Cooper Kids Adventure Series. Lila has been kidnapped and locked in an escape-proof pod on the ocean floor. Meanwhile, Dr. Cooper and Jake have to evade terrorists and cannibals as they race to save Lila before her air runs out.
Books by Derek Prince
Book #484 Lucifer Exposed: The Devil’s Plan to Destroy Your Life by Derek Prince (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The fall of Lucifer set up “the battle of the ages.” You are positioned right in the midst of this historic struggle! Satan, the fallen archangel, desires nothing more than to win the loyalty, hearts, and minds of the entire human race – and he won’t quit in his attempt to win you over! Prince exposes Satan’s greatest weapon in enslaving the average human into bondage. Satan attempts to seduce Christians from rising to their full potential and to distract every human being from following God.
Books by Leonard Ravenhill
Book #33 Revival God’s Way by Leonard Ravenhill (Narrator: Marty Jensen) "We live in a generation which has never known revival—God’s way,” says Ravenhill. The author’s message is drastic and fearless. His goal for the church is full restoration to the glory, power, holiness, and dignity that Christ always intended for it.
Books by J. Oswald Sanders
Book #19 Facing Loneliness by J. Oswald Sanders (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The author shows how to identify the symptoms and causes of loneliness, and how to deal with the heart of the issue—the lonely person’s lack of intimacy. This book is full of hope and practical wisdom to challenge you to take specific steps to overcome the unhappy effects of being lonely.
Book #9 Heaven: Better by Far by J. Oswald Sanders (Narrator: Marty Jensen) While heaven will provide a final home for those who love God, comparing it to the most luxurious places we know, only better—falls far short of reality.
Books by Elly Sanna
Book #206 God’s Hall of Fame by Elly Sanna (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Welcome to God’s Hall of Fame, where you’ll meet 25 of the greatest Christians of all time. From Augustine to Crosby, Elliot to Graham, Luther to Moody, and ten Boom to Wesley, you’ll find some of the most interesting, most powerful, most godly people ever to live and serve Christ on this earth.
Books by David A. Seamands
Book #540 Healing for Damaged Emotions by David A. Seamands (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Whether through our own fallen temperament, willful disobedience, or as victims of the hurtful actions of others, many of us struggle with crippling emotions, among them perfectionism, depression, and low self-worth. The pain is often present with us even though the incidents and relationships that caused it may be long past. Through David Seamands’ realistic, Scriptural approach, you too can find healing and then become an agent of healing for fellow strugglers.
Books by Charles Stanley
Book # 687 Enter His Gates (A Daily Devotional) by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Like the majestic, towering, and often embattled gates of ancient Jerusalem, the spiritual gates of believers must be tended and strengthened in order to protect the living faith within. In this collection of timeless wisdom, Charles Stanley takes each month as a new opportunity to explore one of the twelve precious gateways to spiritual growth and development. Challenging, thoughtful, practical, and fresh, this devotional gives you the opportunity daily to bolster the foundations of your Christian walk and find ways to praise God and proclaim His righteousness.
Books by Corrie Ten Boom
Book # 701Tramp For the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom (Narrator: Jessie Bennett) In a series of vignettes, Ms. Ten Boom recounts the horror of life in a concentration camp, the power of salvation and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ as she “tramped” around the world sharing the Gospel that changes lives
Books by Tommy Tenney
Book #202 The God Chasers by Tommy Tenney (Narrator: Kay Verrall) A God chaser is a person whose passion for God’s presence presses him to chase the impossible in hopes that the unmatchable might catch him, like a child that chases a loving parent until, suddenly, the strong arms of the father enfold the chaser. This could be a dangerous book unless you truly want to pursue God!
Books by A. W. Tozer
Book #104 Jesus, Our Man in Glory by A. W. Tozer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This book is the first of two volumes compiled from a series of 40 sermons on Hebrews that Tozer preached shortly before his death in 1963.
Book #130 Whatever Happened to Worship? by A. W. Tozer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Decrying much of modern worship as entertainment, A. W. Tozer pleads for the practice of genuine worship—worship in spirit and truth, in praise and adoration, in humility and love. In Whatever Happened to Worship? A. W. Tozer rekindles the fire of radiant worship that accomplishes great deeds done for Christ.
Books by Michael Van Dyke
Book #184 Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Michael Van Dyke (Narrator: Marty Jensen) In solitary confinement, he found true freedom. It was April 1943 in Nazi Germany. It was the last time Dietrich Bonhoeffer saw his family as a free man. Pastor, professor, one of the 20th Century’s most brilliant minds, Bonhoeffer was also soon to be a martyr. After struggling with the moral issues involved, he had joined the resistance to his country’s dictator, Adolf Hitler. Now he was on his way to solitary confinement. But Bonhoeffer was never truly alone in his concrete cell, because the Lord was with him. Anchoring his daily life in the simple disciplines of Bible study and prayer, he used his time to ponder and write on deep spiritual issues. In April 1945, just a few weeks before World War II ended in Europe, the Nazis hanged Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He had written of “the cost of discipleship,” and paid that cost with his life. His investment, though, continues to pay dividends today for those who follow his example.
Books by Sam Wellman
Book #60 Corrie Ten Boom by Sam Wellman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Moved by the tragic plight of the Jews, the Ten Booms hid them upstairs above the family’s respected watch business in a secret room, a hiding place. Because such activities labeled them as enemies of the Nazis, Corrie and her family were subject to imprisonment and torture in a notorious concentration camp. Yet nothing deterred Corrie from sharing God’s word and His love, even in the most unthinkable circumstances.
Book #218 David Livingstone by Sam Wellman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) To go where no missionary had ever been, to smell the smoke of unknown villages, to witness to peoples beyond the vast Kalahari, such were the dreams of David Livingstone. While perhaps best remembered as the recipient of Henry Stanley’s understated query, “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” the humble Livingstone disdained acclaim during his lifetime. Born into poverty in Scotland and educated in medicine, he was first sent to South Africa in 1840, but at once recognized the dearth of missionaries in the northern regions. Exhaustion, serious illness, and wild animals, not to mention the murderous activities of slave traders, became commonplace as Dr. Livingstone journeyed south to Angola, then to Mozambique, and later, Victoria Falls. Driven by his faith, and his sense of outrage, Livingstone’s life and writings would ignite the Dark Continent as never before.
Book #300 Gladys Aylward by Sam Wellman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) After being rejected by a mission board for service in China, Gladys found her own way there in 1932. For almost 40 years she trusted God to meet all her needs as she served the Chinese people. Gladys praised God that "one so insignificant, uneducated, and ordinary in every way could be used to His glory for the blessing of His people in poor persecuted China."
Books by Warren Wiersbe
Book #69 The Names of Jesus by Warren W. Wiersbe (Narrator: Marty Jensen) “Every name Jesus wears is a blessing he shares.” This aphorism captures the heart of this biblical study by Warren Wiersbe. In The Names of Jesus, he explains the meaning and relevance of 14 names of Jesus from both the Old and New Testaments.
Book #64 Windows on the Parables by Warren Wiersbe (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Wiersbe offers insights into 13 of Jesus’ most beloved parables. Meet yourself in the ancient parables and see the light they shed for your life today. Be prepared, because “the parables are not bedtime stories to put us to sleep, but bugle calls to wake us up.”
Book #299 A Gallery of Grace by Warren Wiersbe (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Using the common things of earth to which we can relate, God shows us the profound and eternal truths about what a Christian is and can become. God paints a picture in scripture of you as a beloved sheep in God's personal flock, a precious stone in His magnificent building, a holy priest before His altar, and a mighty soldier in His triumphant army.
Book #337 The Bumps Are What You Climb On: Encouragement for Difficult Days by Warren W. Wiersbe (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) In this book Warren W. Wiersbe offers solid hope and comfort for times when you are faced with depression, frustration, disappointment, or loneliness. These meditations from the Bible show you how to trust in God’s promises, reap the benefits of forgiveness, find contentment, add joy to life, and more.
Books by David Wilkerson
Book #507 God’s Plan to Protect His People in the Coming Depression by David Wilkerson (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Many believers have put their eternal destiny into the Lord’s hands – but not all have done the same with their earthly destiny. God is about to take His church into a wilderness of testing, to strip away our human resources and make us wholly dependent on Him and to bring us into His rest! Get alone with Jesus and seek His face and develop a loving relationship with Him in prayer.
Books by Gary Wilkerson
Book # 642 David Wilkerson by Gary Wilkerson (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) When David Wilkerson moved to New York City from rural Pennsylvania in 1958 to confront the gangs who ran the streets, he was a 120-pound man with a heart full of passion. Having seen a photograph of seven teens who were members of a gang known as the Egyptian Dragons, he entered the court room where they were being tried for murder and told the judge he had something to say to them. The judge ejected him. Thus began Wilkerson’s lifelong mission to the rejected and ignored. He was a nondenominational, street-level missionary of the slums, standing face to face with those who ran the streets through drugs and violence. He was a Spirit-led steamroller, bucking secular and church systems to reach the hardest populations for good. He was a man of vision who boldly wrote of national prophecies and could not be shaken from his beliefs, even when counseled otherwise. In 1963, Wilkerson, published his monumental book The Cross and The Switchblade, which chronicled the conversion of gang leader Nicky Cruz and has sold more than 16 million copies worldwide. Wilkerson later founded Times Square Church, a nondenominational megachurch of 8,000 members. He was a man of faith, passion and conviction and this book will inspire and strengthen you in your own faith journey. what our response will be to similar cases of inhumanity both now and in the future.
Books by Bruce Wilkinson
Book #181 The Prayer of Jabez for Teens by Bruce Wilkinson (Narrator: Idell Ludwig)
Book #182 The Prayer of Jabez for Kids by Bruce Wilkinson (Narrator: Idell Ludwig)
Description for Digital 250 Books:
Book # 543 Good Morning, GOD! Wake-up Devotions to Start Your Day God’s Way (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Good Morning, GOD! is a wonderful morning devotional filled with inspiring scriptures, true-to-life stories, and encouraging reflections to help you fulfill the promise of each new day that your loving heavenly Father has given to you to enjoy.
Book # 544 Good Night, GOD! Night-Time Devotions to End Your Day God’s Way (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Good Night, GOD! is a nighttime devotional that offers you a collection of inspiring scriptures, true-to-life stories, and encouraging reflections to help you draw near to the heart of God and experience High life-changing grace.
BOOKS BY A Children’s Story Bible:
Book # 195 Children’s Story Bible (Narrator: Janet Williamson) From Word Kids! A trip through the Bible for the little guys.
Books by Randy Alcorn
Book #474 The Grace and Truth Paradox by Randy Alcorn (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Truth without grace breeds self-righteousness and crushing legalism. Grace without truth breeds deception and moral compromise. Is it possible to embrace both in balance? Jesus did. Randy Alcorn offers a simple yet profound two-point checklist of Christlikeness. In the end we don’t need grace OR truth. We need grace AND truth. And for people to see Jesus in us, they must see both.
Books by S. Arterburn
Book #383 Seven Keys to Spiritual Renewal by S. Arterburn and D. Stoop (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This book is based upon principles revealed in the Bible about how a person can experience a deeper relationship with God and have more satisfaction in life. As you encounter locked doors in your life, we invite you to use the keys that fit. They will open doors that may have been closed for a long time.
Books By Kay Arthur:
Book # 1 How to Study Your Bible by Kay Arthur (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Following in the steps of the popular International Inductive Study Bible, this guide goes further and shows you powerful ways to study the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse.
Book # 2 Lord, I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur (Narrator: Kay Verrall) With this 7-week study of 15 biblical names for God, you’ll know him as your creator, healer, protector, and provider, and you’ll know He longs for you to ask for help.
Book #3 Lord, Where Are You When Bad Things Happen? by Kay Arthur (Narrator: Kay Verrall) It’s a question many who call Him “Father” try to avoid. Through this 10-week study of Habakkuk, you will see how God works in and through terrible situations.
Book # 199 Lord, I Need Grace to Make It by Kay Arthur (Narrator: Allison Wilson) There are times when we all wonder if we will make it in life. Don’t give up! God’s grace is available freely and lavishly for all that would take it. This is a devotional study that will minister to you in intimate ways. And it is truth you can share easily with others, individually or in a small group.
BOOKS BY Gladys Aylward:
Book # 50 Never Say Die by Gladys Aylward (Part of Kay’s Collection: a series of informal readings to a friend. Narrator: Kay Verrall) This short book explores the life of a young Scandinavian woman who serves God on the mission field in China. Experiencing initial rejection, she sails to China and there overcomes language and cultural barriers to persevere in God’s calling to preach the Gospel to all nations.
BOOKS BY Faith Bailey:
Book # 38 George Mueller by Faith Bailey (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This story describes the life and ministry of George Mueller, a German born in the early 1800s called to England as a missionary, but the Lord had other plans for him. He became a spiritual giant hanging on despite epidemics, financial famines and a constant fear of failure, to be used by God in the establishment of orphanages in Bristol, England, learning to trust the Lord completely for provision in the running of the orphanages, without seeking financial support. It is a great inspiration for us today to trust solely on Him who meets our every need.
Book # 41 Adoniram Judson - Missionary to Burma by Faith Bailey (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The story of the first American foreign missionary, a rebellious youth whom God transformed into the great Burmese missionary. Under unimaginable conditions of adversity, Adoniram Judson penetrated Burma with the Gospel, leading souls to the Savior and providing them with the Burmese Bible—at the cost of his life.
Books by Henry Blackaby:
Book #54 Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Blackaby challenges Christians to experience the fullness of a life lived in fellowship with the loving, personal God.
Book # 643 Experiencing God Day by Day by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) This is a daily devotional brimming with insight and seasoned with grace. Experiencing God Day by Day will help you start your daily routine with your mind focused on the Father’s presence in your life. Drawn from the writings and teachings of Dr. Henry Blackaby and Dr. Richard Blackaby, this practical tool will help you begin each day with a Bible verse and a stirring meditation.
Books by Janet Chester Bly:
Book # 686 God is Good, All the Time by Janet Chester Bly (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Bly sees a good God behind, above, and in all our troubles and that anyone who doesn’t have a settled confidence in God’s steadfast goodness will be riddled with chronic doubts and weakling faith when life turns cruel. She insists that unless we believe that God is good, even when life is bad, we’ll have no lasting spiritual victory in our lives. God is Good, All the Time is a devotional study of God’s absolute goodness.
Books by E. M. Bounds:
Book # 42 The Necessity of Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) First of eight books included in The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer. Bounds, a mighty man of faith and prayer, presents us various topics on prayer. These timeless classics offer spiritual guidance for the Christian who has a heart for prayer and comes daily before the Lord’s Throne of Grace.
Book # 52 The Essentials of Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The second of eight books in The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer. Among the topics to be considered are Prayer and Humility, Prayer, Praise, and Thanksgiving, Prayer and God’s Work, Prayer Born of Compassion and Prayer and Missions.
Book # 83 Possibilities of Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This is the third in the eight-book series by Mr. Bounds on prayer. The chapters to be covered are (1) The Ministry of Prayer, (2) Prayer—Its Possibilities, (3) Prayer-Facts and History, (4) Answered Prayer, and (5) Prayer and Divine Providence.
Book # 91 The Reality of Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This is the fourth in the eight-book series on prayer. Some chapter titles to be considered are (1) Jesus Christ, the Divine Teacher of Prayer; (2) Jesus Christ, an Example of Prayer; (3) Our Lord’s High-Priestly Prayer; and (4) The Holy Spirit and Prayer.
Book #124 The Purpose of Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This is the fifth book in the series on prayer. Some of the chapters to be considered are Prayer is a keynote, Prayer can change God’s purpose, Prayer has conditions, Attitudes regarding prayer, and Characteristics of true prayer.
Book #140 The Weapon of Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The sixth book in the eight-book series on prayer. Some of the chapters covered are God Says Prayer is Essential, Putting God to Work, and God’s Need of Men Who Pray.
Book # 189 Power Through Prayer by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Book Seven from The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer. Some chapter titles include Our Sufficiency is of God, Examples of Praying Men, Begin the Day with Prayer, An Example of Devotion.
Book # 232 Prayer and Praying Men by E. M. Bounds (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The eighth and final book from The Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer, this book focuses on praying saints of the Old and New Testaments: Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Ezra, Daniel, Nehemiah, and Paul.
BOOKS BY Jerry Bridges:
Book # 8 The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Whether you’re continuing a long, serious quest in the practice of holiness, or have never really thought about it, the principles given here serve as an impelling challenge to obey God’s call.
BOOKS BY Brother Lawrence:
Book # 404 The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) As a humble cook, Brother Lawrence learned an important lesson through each daily chore: The time he spent in communion with the Lord should be the same, whether he was bustling around in the kitchen—with several people asking questions at the same time—or on his knees in prayer. He learned to cultivate the deep presence of God so thoroughly in his own heart that he was able to joyfully exclaim, “I am doing now what I will do for all eternity. I am blessing God, praising Him, adoring Him, and loving Him with all my heart.”
BOOKS BY Pamela Broughton:
Book # 194 Daniel in the Lion’s Den retold by Pamela Broughton (Narrator: Janet Williamson) The Little Golden Book account of Daniel 1-2, 4-6 for younger readers.
BOOKS BY Steve Brown:
Book # 160 Approaching God by Steve Brown (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Author Steve Brown says. “He loved us when we couldn’t love Him. He reached out to us when we couldn’t reach out to Him. In other words, the only qualification for being in a relationship with God is to be unqualified.” We can come to God without fear or a concern for “sophistication and slickness.” Brown helps us understand the awe and wonder of relating to a great God.
Book # 375 God, Are You There? By Steve Brown (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) God, Are You There? draws from the Biblical Book of Job to encourage you to see events and circumstances from God’s perspective. Author Steve Brown grapples honestly with the reality of pain in an imperfect world, maintaining that distress can make you either bitter or better. He points the way to purpose and healing in difficult times, and reminds you that God is there and you can see tragedy as a chance to experience His unconditional love.
Book # 628 Nourishments (Food for the Soul/A Daily Devotional) by Deborah Buckingham (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Nourishments is a daily, Biblical devotional created for personal reflection and meditation. Each of the 260 devotional segments is designed to lead the surrendered and seeking heart into a closer, more intimate relationship with Abba God. The devotional segments are meant to be read Monday through Friday, leaving Saturday and Sunday to dig deeper on your own, catch up on any devotionals you missed through the week, and attend church.
Books by Todd Burpo:
Book # 597 Heaven is for Real (A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back) by Todd Burpo w/Lynn Vincent (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) When Colton Burpo made it through an emergency appendectomy, his family was overjoyed at his miraculous survival. What they weren’t expecting, though, was the story that emerged in the months that followed—a story as beautiful as it was extraordinary, detailing their little boy’s trip to heaven and back. With disarming innocence and the plainspoken boldness of a child, Colton tells of meeting long-departed family members. He describes Jesus, the angels, how “really, really big” God is, and how much God loves us. Heaven is for Real will forever change the way you think of eternity, offering the chance to see, and believe, like a child.
Books by By The Way Radio:
Book # 691 By The Encore by By The Way Radio (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) All across North America, By the Way has long been loved as a daily devotional radio program. Now, with the advent of internet technology, By the Way can be heard all around the world. In response to countless requests, By the Way Encore is the second collection of messages from the By the Way radio program. For the weary, here is a bit of refreshment. For the discouraged, here is a taste of hope. And for celebrating the wonder and joy of the day, By the Way Encore can be a fine companion…to be read and reread throughout the year, and shared with friends as well.
Books by Phil Callaway:
Book # 369 Growing Up on the Edge of the World by Phil Callaway (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) A tender coming-of-age novel that probes the deep issues of life and faith through the unguarded honesty of youth. Adventure worthy of a Mark Twain novel, a cast of colorful characters, and a mysterious illness await Terry as he tries to hide his guilt and control his fear of the consequences his actions might bring. A yearning for forgiveness and the hope of restoration lead him to even more amazing discoveries in a town called Grace.
Books By Amy Carmichael:
Book # 138 God’s Missionary by Amy Carmichael (Narrator: Allison Wilson) This little book seems to set an utterly impossible standard. It is, however, the same standard found in the words of Jesus, "If you want to be my disciple, you must give up your right to yourself, take up the Cross and follow me." Amy Carmichael, known to those who loved and worked with her as Amma (an Indian term of respect that can also mean “mother”), was a true solder of the Cross. Her biography makes you want to “follow.”
Books By Oswald Chambers:
Book # 23 My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Finally, My Utmost for His Highest is available in the language of our time. This distinctive Christian
Book # 433 A Look at Life from a Deer Stand (Hunting for the Meaning of Life) by Steve Chapman (Narrator: Russ Holen) From the incredible rush of bagging “the big one” to standing in awe of God’s magnificent creation, Steve Chapman captures the spirit of the hunt. In short chapters filled with excitement and humor, he takes you on his successful—and not-so-successful—forays into the heart of deer country. As you experience the joy of scouting a trophy buck, you’ll discover how the skills necessary for great hunting can help you draw closer to the Lord. classic daily devotional has now been faithfully translated for a new generation.
Books By Henry Cloud:
Book # 351 God Will Make a Way by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Henry Cloud and John Townsend believe God has given us instructions on how He makes a way for us when we call on Him. They believe that, just as you would exercise faith in a doctor by following his advice to get well physically, if you follow God’s eight principles in this book, you can thrive relationally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Book # 453 The Bible Cure for Cancer by Don Colbert, M.D. (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Are you either battling cancer or concerned about preventing it? In this concise, easy-to-read booklet, you’ll discover a wealth of usable information to help you win in the war against cancer. Learn biblical secrets on health and the latest medical research on how to break free from cancer! You want to be healthy. God wants you to be healthy. Now at last here’s a source of information that will help you get healthy—body, mind and spirit.
Book # 205 God’s Grace at Ground Zero by Jim Cymbala (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Out of the horror of September 11 emerges a startling message—in the face of unspeakable tragedy God is reaching out to the heart of a grieving city, to the people of a wounded nation, and to a world that fears what the future may hold. This book assures us that God hates the senseless evil that destroyed thousands of lives, that the harvest is ripe, hearts that were closed are now open to the Gospel, and today, not tomorrow, is when we have the opportunity and responsibility to express Jesus through our words and deeds.
BOOKS BY Alice Davidson:
Book # 193 The Story of Jonah by Alice Davidson (Narrator: Janet Williamson) The story of the prophet for little ones.
Book # 671 A Pilgrim Who Made Progress (The Life Story of John Bunyan) by William Deal (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) By any measure, John Bunyan, author of Pilgrim’s Progress, was an unusual man. Having little formal education, he wrote 60 books. With no formal legal training, he helped secure religious freedom in English law. Though imprisoned for 12 years, he profoundly influenced his countrymen through the power of his pen, which no prison walls could still. He was jailed repeatedly for preaching without a license; his writings were banned during his lifetime. John Bunyan remained faithful to his calling as he saw it. His dedication to Jesus Christ and fervor for the Gospel were acknowledged by even his enemies. This copy of the book is a “special Billy Graham Evangelistic Association edition—published with permission from the original publisher, Good News Publishers.”
Books By Jonathan Edwards:
Book # 500 Sinners In The Hands of an Angry God (the Most Famous Sermon Ever Given) by Jonathan Edwards (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide open and He stands crying out to all to accept His call. Jonathan Edwards presents a clear picture of the predicament of every sinner and lukewarm Christian. Through his words, you can discover much about what it means to follow God. With compelling words and imagery, Edwards describes the shaky position of those who do not follow Christ and God’s urgent call to receive His love and forgiveness today.
Books By Harry Emerson:
Book # 576 The Second Mile by Harry Emerson Fosdick (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The Second Mile is a reference to Matthew 5:41, the verse from the Sermon on the Mount which inspired Fosdick's reflection: "...and if any one forces you to go one mile, go...two miles." "The roll call of the world's spiritual heroes reveals not a single one-mile person," he writes. "All of saviorhood lies in the second mile.
Books By Joni Tada Erickson:
Book # 270 Holiness in Hidden Places by Joni Erickson Tada (Narrator: Christine Jensen) To be holy means to be separated, set apart for God. In this book, you will read about holiness where you least expect it—in the most unlikely people and in the most hidden places. You will find it in humility. You will even see glimpses of it in glory. This book strives to make us like the Savior, as you learn holy habits and obedience.
BOOKS BY Tony Evans:
Book #137 The Battle is the Lord’s by Tony Evans (Narrator: Marty Jensen) “It is your ability to control and influence the spiritual realm that will determine victory or defeat in the physical realm,” Evans explains. Within these pages, he shows the way to achieving that victory, helping you thwart Satan’s evil schemes by tapping into the resources of our undefeatable Lord.
Book # 171 Free at Last by Tony Evans (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Do you long for greater intimacy with Christ and greater effectiveness in serving Christ? The secret is not in spiritual tricks or religious acts, but in a deeper knowledge of Christ Himself. His resurrection power meets your needs and draws you closer to Him.
Book # 541 Fasting (Vol. I) The Private Discipline that Brings Public Reward by Jentezen Franklin (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) If Jesus could have accomplished everything He came to do – without fasting – why did He fast? The Son of God fasted because He knew there were supernatural things that could not be released any other way. How much more should fasting be common practice in our lives?
Book # 542 Fasting (Vol. II) Opening a Door to God’s Promises by Jentezen Franklin (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Why does the Body of Christ have such a hard time with the discipline of fasting? Food was the enticement to sin that resulted in the fall of all mankind. In contrast, Jesus began His earthly ministry – redeeming us from sin – by abstaining from food. Jesus took control over His flesh by fasting, breaking the power of temptation and opening the door to God’s promises.
Book # 660 Right People, Right Place, Right Plan (Discerning the Voice of God) by Jentezen Franklin (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) God has bestowed an incredible gift in the heart of every believer. He has given you an internal compass to help guide your life, your family, your children, your finances, and much more. Jentezen Franklin reveals how, through the Holy Spirit, you can tap into the heart and mind of the Almighty. Tap into your supernatural gift of spiritual discernment and you will better be able to fulfill your purpose as a child of God.
BOOKS BY Steve Fry:
Book # 438 A God Who Heals the Heart by Steve Fry (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) “Come away…!”…on a devotional journey into the great heart of God. Enjoy these glimpses into the wonders of the Father’s eternal nature…and let His Spirit touch and change you as never before! (a 40-day devotional)
Book # 496 Rekindled Flame (the Passionate Pursuit of God) by Steve Fry (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Is your heart ablaze for God…or in need of fresh spiritual fuel? Steve Fry stirs the smoldering embers of first love passion for your Savior, which can burn low day to day. It’s a message for the nation, for the church, and—best of all—for you. If you’re dry, distracted, dissatisfied, drained, or simply seeking more, this illuminating vision of intimate communion with Christ will rekindle your flame—today!
Books by Rachmiel Frydland
Book 635 When Being Jewish Was a Crime by Rachmiel Frydland (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) This is the amazing story of how Rachmiel Frydland, a Jew, was delivered from death time after time during the years of the Nazi occupation of Poland. Perhaps more importantly, this is Frydland's account of how the God of his ancestors invaded his life, delivered him from death--first spiritually, then physically--and led him into a ministry of proclaiming Messiah Jesus. He is a Jew who suffered persecution under the Nazi government and a Christian who was either helped or shunned by other Christians during his years as a fugitive. He challenges us to consider
BOOKS BY Gloria Gaither:
Book # 571 Because HE Lives by Gloria Gaither (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Now, in Because He Lives, Gloria shares the stories and inspiration behind more than thirty of the Gaithers’ best-loved songs. This beautiful book weaves Gloria’s moving remembrances and meditations with the lyrics to such great songs as: The King is Coming, There’s Something About That Name, God Gave the Song, The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference, Something Beautiful, and Because He Lives...and many more. Relax, kick your shoes off, and refresh your spirit with Gloria’s uplifting and touching insights into the heart of God…and let these stories about the songs that have inspired the hearts of Christians all over the world inspire you.
Books By Billy Graham:
Book # 173 Angels by Billy Graham (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This classic records the experiences of Dr. Graham and others that are convinced that at moments of special need they have been attended by angels. He affirms that God’s invisible hosts are better organized than any of the armies of man or Satan, and that angels “think, feel, will, and display emotions.” He also shows that they guide, comfort, and provide for people in the midst of suffering and persecution, and, at death, the faithful will be ushered by angels into the presence of God. Book #251 Hope for the Troubled Heart by Billy Graham (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Sooner or later each of us experiences pain and frustration from the times we live in. In this book we grasp the depth of God’s love in the midst of our personal hurts, face failure and disillusionment realistically, but with unshakable hope, learn to pray through our pain with confidence, and store up strength for the storms on the horizon.
Book # 582 Nearing Home by Billy Graham (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) In Nearing Home this man of faith—now in his nineties—explores challenges of aging while gleaning foundational truths from scripture. Billy Graham invites us to journey with him as he considers the golden years while anticipating the hope of being reunited with his wife, Ruth, in his heavenly home that eclipses this world. Join Billy Graham as he shares the challenges of fading strength but still standing strong in his commitment to finishing life well.
Book #620 Answers to Life’s Problems Guidance, Inspiration and Hope for the challenges of Todayby Billy Graham (Narrator Kathleen Lane) In response to thousands of letters from concerned people just like you, Billy Graham, the world’s best-known evangelist, offers guidance on finding answers to the most frequently asked questions about ourselves, our relationships and our lives. Dr. Graham answers your questions with candor and insight, pointing the way to the Source for advice you can use to resolve your problems- today!
Books By Ruth Bell Graham:
Book # 308 Prodigals and Those Who Love Them by Ruth Bell Graham (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Two of Ruth Bell Graham's five children were spiritual wanderers. Mrs. Graham writes from experience about the hurt and disappointment of the wanderer and the fear and confusion of those who wait. This is a collection of poems, hymns, and verses for those who wait and need the comfort of the Lord. A balm to hurting hearts.
Book # 451 One Wintry Night by Ruth Bell Graham (Narrator: Kay Verrall) When a young mountain boy is caught alone in a sudden snowstorm, he takes refuge in a cabin his grandfather had helped to build many years before. The woman living there shelters the boy, attends to his badly swollen ankle, and spends the hours they are snowbound by telling the Christmas story—beginning with creation and concluding with the resurrection. With both instant appeal and an aura of timelessness, One Wintry Night will fascinate both those who have heard the Bible story many times and those who know only a few details.
BOOKS BY Kitty Anna Griffiths:
Book # 248 Jesus the baby by Kitty Anna Griffiths (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Here's the whole moving story of the birth of His Son in Mrs. G’s first book for children about Jesus in the Bible Stories Alive series.
Book # 410 Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman Grubb (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Rees Howells was a man peculiarly taught of God: one who learned the Bible as the Spirit made him live it. Every chapter of this biography is full of drama and light, showing how he faced the implications of an entire surrender, learned to love the unlovely. He found the key to prevailing prayer, became the channel of a mighty revival in Africa, was taught the principles of divine healing, and progressed ever further in faith until world events were affected by his prayers. Here are rich truths of the Spirit for all God's people today.
Books By Philip Gulley:
Book # 532 Front Porch Tales by Philip Gulley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Come sit on the front porch. Lift your spirits and gain new perspective on what’s most important in life. These warm and inspirational stories skillfully illustrate the kinds of values you would want to pass on to your children – and to future generations. Perfect for personal enjoyment or family reading.
Book # 552 Christmas in Harmony by Philip Gulley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Philip Gulley takes us to Harmony, Indiana, at Christmastime. Amidst the bustle of the season, the citizens of Harmony experience the simple joys and sometime loneliness that often go unseen.
Book # 524 Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ by Jeanne Guyon (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) One of the most influential spiritual books ever penned, even secular historians acknowledge the great impact Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ has had in Christian history. At one time this book was publicly burned in France and yet it has also been received by seeking Christians as one of the most helpful and powerful Christian books ever written. This is the very first edition written in modern English and it will introduce you to a whole new – and deeper – relationship to Jesus Christ.
BOOKS BY Elizabeth Rice Handford:
Book # 241 Those Kids in Proverbsville by Elizabeth Rice Handford (Narrator: Kay Verrall) A children’s book full of scriptural, moralizing stories based on the book of Proverbs. Proverbsville, USA looks like any other medium-sized town in America, but it’s those kids who live there that make the town so curious and exciting. These stories are intended to help children build a strong Christian character, and they’ll teach your child how good Christian kids ought to act in all sorts of situations.
Books By Kathryn Hayes:
Book # 499 From the Potter’s Hands (Make me. Mold me. Fill me. Use me.) by Kathryn L. Hayes and D. Scott Elliff (Narrator: Kay Verrall) This devotional series is penetrating and soul-searching in its honesty and encouragement. It is a daily journey pointing us toward renewed Christian living. This 4 week study is excellent for individual and small group study. Each daily devotional focuses on Scripture, through provoking questions and prayer.
Books By Jack Hayford:
Book # 449 Living the Spirit Filled Life (Daily Devotions for Personal Application) by Jack Hayford and Sam Middlebrook (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Discover the fullness of God’s word for daily living. Focusing on balanced spiritual growth, each month offers a theme, including: how to increase your faith; building a strong family life; the importance of praise; waging spiritual warfare; the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit; and more.
Book # 332 Becoming a Woman of Prayer by Cynthia Heald (Narrator: Kay Verrall) So often we think of prayer as something we do to break through to God—to get His attention and get Him to listen. But intimacy with God is His idea. He has taken the initiative and prayer is His gift to us. It is an opportunity for us to respond to His invitation to intimacy by calling, crying, and singing to Him, in response to His desire for a relationship with us. In this book the author will lead you through an examination of what the bible teaches about prayer and will encourage you to respond to God's invitation to deeper intimacy with Him.
Book # 365 Becoming a Woman of Purpose by Cynthia Heald (Narrator: Allison Lee) This insightful book will guide you to a better understanding of God’s intended purposes for Himself, for us as His people, and for you as His unique creation. As you grow toward genuine peace and fulfillment, you’ll learn the joy of loving God and others, waiting on Him with hope, trusting Him through suffering, serving Him with reverent fear, and fulfilling His purposes.
Books By Hannah Hurnard:
Book # 644 Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Hinds’ Feet on High Places is one of Hannah Hurnard’s best known and best loved books: a beautiful allegory dramatizing the yearning of God’s children to be led to new heights of love, joy, and victory. Follow Much-Afraid on her spiritual journey through difficult places with her two companions, Sorrow and Suffering. Learn how Much-Afraid overcomes her tormenting fears as she passes through many dangers and mounts at last to the High Places. There she gains a new name and returns to her valley of service, transformed by her union with the loving Shepherd.
Books By Paul Hutchens:
Book #153 The Lost Campers by Paul Hutchens (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) From Moody Press, another kids adventure series entitled “The Sugar Creek Gang.”
Book #154 Mystery Thief by Paul Hutchens (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Another of The Sugar Creek Gang mysteries.
Book #156 The Green Tent Mystery by Paul Hutchens (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Another of The Sugar Creek Gang mysteries.
Book # 191 On the Mexican Border by Paul Hutchens (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Another Sugar Creek Gang adventure.
Book # 192 The Worm Turns at Sugar Creek by Paul Hutchens (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) The Gang gets involved in more excitement.
Books by Pauline Hutchens
Book #165 The Big Bike Mystery by Pauline Huchens Wilson (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) A new kids mystery book from the New Sugar Creek Gang.
Book #166 The Case of the Red Hot Possum by Pauline Hutchens Wilson (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Another New Sugar Creek Gang mystery.
Books By Bill Hybels:
Book # 281 Overcoming by Bill Hybels (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Part of the Interactions Small Group Series this study explores how to apply God’s power where you need it. You will learn how to overcome adversity, fear, apathy, greed, lust, and sorrow.
Book # 356 Prayer by Bill Hybels (Narrator: Marty Jensen) From the InterActions series, Prayer is the key to a dynamic relationship with the Creator of the universe. This six-session study on prayer includes all the topics that will put you in authentic and direct communication with God.
Book # 261 In My Father’s Vineyard by Wayne Jacobsen (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The fruit of the Spirit is not what we can make ourselves do for a moment, but what God makes us to be for a lifetime. Out of our broken lives God brings forth the fruit of His kingdom. From the branches hang sweet fruit: love, peace, patience, gentleness, self-control. It is all His doing. Can you see it in your life?
Books By T. D. Jakes:
Book # 372 Woman, Thou Art Loosed by T. D. Jakes (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This book offers healing to all women from all walks of life that have been scarred by abuse, pain, and insecurity. All manners of traumas, tragedies, and disappointments are cleansed from the hurting feminine heart. All bands are broken off the necks of every woman who reads these soft words.
Books by R. T. Kendall
Book #386 Total Forgiveness by R. T. Kendall (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) True inner peace awaits you! You can avoid spiritual quicksand and experience the incredible freedom found in total forgiveness. Is total forgiveness easy? Of course not…but this book will give you a game plan…and the encouragement to cast out areas of unforgiveness that have kept you from enjoying the best God has to offer you.
Books By Jerry Jenkins:
Book # 443 Holding Heaven (Eavesdropping on Eternity by Jerry Jenkins (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Imagine two conversations, some 30 years apart, between the most celebrated person in history and his earthly father. In the first, the father tells the infant son the extraordinary details of his birth. God has invaded earth in a most unlikely place and under the most unusual circumstances, he says. In the second exchange, the son talks with his father—now on his deathbed—about what is to come. Not only will miracles turn many from darkness to light, he says, but wicked men will use the materials from his father’s occupation against him. And out of that agonizing reality, the world will be changed forever.
Books By David Jeremiah:
Book # 127 The Power of Encouragement by David Jeremiah (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) When the need for love is thwarted, the only possible result is a deeply wounded and tormented soul. David Jeremiah examines the heart of self-giving, genuine love, and suggests helpful ways that heal, unite, and renew your zest for life.
Book # 168 A Bend in the Road by David Jeremiah (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The road we travel seems straight and smooth. Then something tragic changes everything. When our world turns upside down and the bend in the road obscures the path ahead, how can we face the future? The insights Dr. Jeremiah discovered on his own journey are for all of us. We can, with courage and confidence, face whatever lies ahead, knowing God’s grace is sufficient for even the darkest night of the soul.
Book # 534 Life Wide Open by David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) In this energizing book, Dr. David Jeremiah opens our eyes to how we can live a life that exudes an attitude of hope and enthusiasm…a life of passion…a Life Wide Open. Passion is the “fuel of the heart” that energizes us to love God and others. We can’t live an effective life without it. It’s the key to personal and spiritual transformation. It is the power and evidence of God at work in our lives. Life Wide Open offers a vision, both spiritual and practical, of what our life can be when we allow the power of passion to permeate our souls.
Book # 548 What in the World is Going On? by Dr. David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The Bible has plenty to say about end times. But until now, there has been no other book that—in straightforward prose that’s easy to understand—gathers ten scriptural prophecies, lays out a chronological checklist, and offers a guideline for sorting it all out. In What in the World is Going On? Dr. David Jeremiah answers the hard questions. Events unfolding in today’s world are certainly unsettling, but they need not be confusing or frightening. Now you can know the meaning behind what you see in the daily news—and understand what in the world is going on!
Book # 578 Captured by Grace by Dr. David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Until you have been broken beyond belief and need a miracle for your soul, until you have betrayed a loved one and cannot bring him back, until you have befriended every darkness and are desperate for the light, that is when God's relentless, amazing, very personalized grace finds you. Encountering God's grace changes lives forever. Let Dr. David Jeremiah show you how the transforming mercy that captured songwriter John Newton and the apostle Paul can awaken within you a fresh experience of the God who loves you fearlessly and pursues you with abandon.
Book # 630 Grace Givers by Dr. David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Much has been written about what happens to us when we receive grace into our lives, but God’s gift of grace is truly made complete when we turn around and share that grace with others. Grace Givers is a great compliment to Dr. David Jeremiah’s Captured by Grace that has touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands of readers and millions of listeners worldwide. Dr. Jeremiah has pulled together heartwarming and powerful true stories of people who have touched their world through love and service to the lost, hurting, and forgotten of society with both ordinary and extraordinary gifts of grace.
Book # 641 When Your World Falls Apart (Seeing Past the Pain of the Present) by Dr. David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Why this? Why me? Why now? When your world falls apart without warning, where is God? LESS THAN A HEARTBEAT AWAY, according to Dr. David Jeremiah. When life suddenly turns upside down, there, in the midst of your trials and in the center of your pain, is God—comforting, guiding, encouraging, teaching, sustaining. Instead of asking “Why?” We should be asking “What, O Lord? What do you have to teach me? What would you have me do?” Interwoven with his own reflections and insights are the inspiring real-life stories of other men and women who have faced unexpected adversity—and found that God’s grace truly is sufficient for every need.
Book # 653 Angels (The Remarkable Truth about the Agents of Heaven) by Dr. David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) People have long been fascinated by stories of angel sightings, yet many contemporary beliefs about angels are based on misconception and myth rather than solid, biblical truth. Respected Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah uses Scripture to unveil the remarkable truth about these agents of heaven and their role in our world and our lives. What are angels? What is their role in God’s plan? Are they present? Do they appear? Do they give us personal insight about our work and our worship? Dr. Jeremiah clearly and simply separates fact from fiction as it relates to angels. His enlightening findings are supported with illustrations and insights from prominent teachers, such as Billy Graham, Corrie ten Boom, C. S. Lewis, and more. His down-to-earth style guides readers around the hype about angels and directly into the “substance of things unseen!”
Book # 689 A Life Beyond Amazing by David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Each of us has just one life to live. Our lives should matter and have purpose. They should be amazing. But as we look around, we see disheartened people living in defeat and disarray. Author and Pastor, Dr. David Jeremiah urges us to move past the discouraging headlines, the adversity in our personal lives, the limits of our day, and to reach out and grasp a life beyond our dreams. Through Scripture he helps us discover how to thrive during the journey and experience a life of blessings beyond our comprehension. “A life beyond amazing doesn’t have to start when we step into Heaven,” says Dr. Jeremiah. “A life beyond amazing can be lived right here on earth.”
Book # 692 The God You May Not Know by David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Some say the greatest question in life is: Does God exist? I say the greatest question is: Do I know the God who does exist? Do I know about Him, and do I know Him personally? I want you to know the God you don’t know as well as you should. The study of God, as He reveals Himself in Scripture, is the supreme study of a lifetime. It lifts our thoughts, steadies our nerves, purifies our motives, expands our confidence, and strengthens our influence. It’s the greatest subject we could ever study, for God is the apex of all reality. You can know more about God than you do, and you can be closer to Him than you are.
Book # 694 When Christ Appears (An Inspirational Experience Through Revelation) by David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) When Christ Appears brings clarity to one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible. The book of Revelation promises a special blessing for those who take the time to peer into the future with the apostle John. Readers learn that Christ triumphs. Satan loses. Sorrow, sickness, and death disappear. And God Himself wipes away the tears from every eye. When the heartache of this present world weighs heavily on us, we have only to look up and look ahead at the radiant end of one story and the joyous beginning of a new story that will never end.
Book # 696 31 Days to Happiness (Searching for Heaven on Earth) by David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Ever wonder…Is Happiness within my reach? Why is life so frustrating? Is it too late for me? Or to put it another way, “Where can I find a little heaven on earth?” History’s most successful man, Solomon, wondered just that! And as Dr. David Jeremiah shows us, he was a man who tested life’s haunting questions head-on. And tasted life’s riches full-on. And who found his answers in the last place he thought to look. Listen, then, to his voice. A voice that admits: Maybe happiness is an empty hope. Or maybe we’ve simply been looking in all the wrong places.
Book # 698 The Book of Signs (31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse) by Dr. David Jeremiah (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) What does the Bible tell us about the future? Why is biblical prophecy relevant for Christians today? What signs and signals will precede the end? Which of those signs have already come to pass, which are we experiencing now, and which are still to come? Drawing from decades of experience as one of the world’s most-respected Bible teachers, Dr. Jeremiah once again brings his signature wisdom, depth, and compassion to the discussion of biblical prophecy—a discussion that becomes more and more critical with each passing day. Join Dr. Jeremiah as he lays out the signs of the end times and helps you prepare for the days ahead in thirty-one easy-to-understand chapters.
Books By Bill Johnson:
Book # 528 Strengthen Yourself in the Lord by Bill Johnson (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Today’s believer is faced with situations unknown fifty, thirty, even twenty years ago. To stand in victory and enter our hour of promotion is to learn how to Strengthen Yourself in the Lord. You will learn how to: encourage yourself; overcome seriously bad days; stay connected with your destiny; access Heaven’s open door, and; disarm hell with thanksgiving. You can be strong when you know the keys to encouraging yourself---looking past failure and into a successful future.
Books By Phillip Keller:
Book # 422 A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) From the unique perspective of first-hand experience, Phil Keller presents a lively, interesting devotional commentary on one of the best-loved Bible passages. Experience Psalm 23 in a new way: See with the Shepherd’s eyes, touch with His hand, and feel with His heart through this intimate look into the full life of our Lord-the Great Shepherd and “the sheep of His pastures.”
Book # 424 A Shepherd Looks at The Good Shepherd and His Sheep by Phillip Keller (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. We who are His sheep know how often we stray, but we also know how the Good Shepherd lovingly draws us back to Himself. As you read this book think of yourself as one of God's sheep. You will once again realize with gratitude how blessed you are because you belong to the Good Shepherd.
Book # 598 Still Waters by W. Phillip Keller (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Join W. Phillip Keller in this celebration of the beauty of our Father’s world. You’ll feel the sense of peace that emanates from the harmony of nature and a deeper, more personal communion with God. Our Father’s presence can be seen everywhere if you open your soul to His workings in even the most ordinary events of life. Enjoy the contentment of Keller’s simple life with the Creator and His magnificent Creation. Still Waters is an invitation to discover the outdoor inspiration that is still available to a troubled, confused twentieth-century society.
Books By R. T. Kendall:
Book # 394 Total Forgiveness Experience by R. T. Kendall (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) It’s the most obvious and fundamental teaching of the New Testament, and yet it’s perhaps the hardest issue you will struggle with. After reading the best-selling Total Forgiveness by R. T. Kendall, you will want to go deeper with his life-changing message. This 13-week practical manual on how to forgive others and yourself will show you how.
Book # 680 These Are the Days of Elijah (How God Uses Ordinary People to Do Extraordinary Things by R. T. Kendall (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Elijah is marked as one of the greatest prophets of the Bible. More than a gifted seer, he spoke directly for God, and with His authority. Elijah is the only prophet to have called down fire from heaven, and one of only two individuals in Scripture taken to heaven before tasting death. Yet this remarkable agent of the Lord was also very human, afflicted with the very same failings and fears you have. R. T. Kendall explores the triumphs and contradictions of tis powerful man of God. You will love seeing how Elijah was like you—righteous but proud, strong but cowardly, blessed but tested by trial and doubt. AND, you will take joy in realizing how God will use you, as He did Elijah, for His perfect glory.
BOOKS BY Carol Kent:
Book # 415 Six Basics of a Balanced Life by Carol Kent and Karen Lee-Thorp (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Not just another item on your to-do list, this book will help you find answers to the key question, "What's really important?" You'll find it's not important to "do it all." Gain valuable input from the life of Jesus on how to put your life wonderfully in balance.
Books By Tim LaHaye:
Book # 106 How to Win Over Depression by Tim LaHaye (Narrator: Marty Jensen) If you or a loved one struggle with depression, whether mild or severe, Dr. Tim LaHaye assures you there is a way to overcome those dark, hopeless feelings, even if previous counseling hasn’t helped. Digging beyond the physical and emotional components of depression, Dr. LaHaye takes you to its spiritual root and provides a means for eradicating it from your life
Books by Joy Lawler
Book #336 Women of the Bible by Joy Lawler (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The Bible People study series will help you discover information and reflect on insights relating to important figures in the Bible. The Bible Discovery Method asks questions like What can we know about this Bible person? How does what I know about this Bible person affect me? In this book learn about Mary, Rahab, Bathsheba, Ruth, Naomi and others.
Books By C. S. Lewis:
Book # 384 Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis (Narrator: Kay Verrall) C. S. Lewis was a professor of Medieval and Renaissance literature at Cambridge University, and for much of his life, not a Christian. Once he believed, he became an impressive defender of the faith and wrote numerous books, among which are The Screwtape Letters, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Problem of Pain, and The Great Divorce. This book, Mere Christianity is not for the casual reader, but it has treasures of truth for those who will persevere and listen carefully.
Book # 411 A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis (Narrator: Carol Serwint) Written after his wife's tragic death as a way of surviving the "mad midnight moments," A Grief Observed is C. S. Lewis' honest reflection on the fundamental issues of life, death, and faith in the midst of loss. This work contains his concise, genuine reflections on that period.
Book # 672 The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The Screwtape Letters is a Christian apologetic novel by C. S. Lewis, first published in 1943. It is written in a satirical, epistolary style and while it is fictional in format, the plot and characters are used to address Christian theological issues, primarily those to do with temptation and resistance to it. The story is told in a series of 31 letters.
Book # 535 This is My Story by David Liverett (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Featuring biographies of one hundred and forty-six gospel music greats, David Liverett’s book This is My Story is truly a unique tribute to artists of the past and present.
Book # 221 Heaven: My Father’s House by Anne Graham Lotz (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Combining the apostle John’s glorious description of Heaven from Revelation with heart-touching reflections on her own father’s charming mountain home, Anne Graham Lotz weaves a tapestry of truth that will take away your fear of death and fill you with hope for the future. Heaven is a home you are invited to claim as your own, and the Father has left the light on for you!
Book # 468 Why? Trusting God When You Don’t Understand by: Anne Graham Lotz (Narrator: Stacey Hayes) Can you keep on trusting God when bad things are happening all around you- when the pain is sharp and the doubt is deep and it’s impossible to see the sense in it all? You can do just that if you keep your eye on the big picture of who God is, what his purposes are, and just how passionately he cares about his children. Drawing her characteristically keen insights from her own life and from the familiar story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in the gospel of John, Anne shows how God can use your most agonizing, baffling trials for your growth and His glory…and how, in the meantime, you can find comfort in His Presence.
Books By Max Lucado:
Book # 71 When Christ Comes by Max Lucado (Narrator: Marty Jensen) While thoughts on the final day at the end of history stir our questions, they needn’t stir our fears. Max Lucado shows why the day Christ comes will be the “beginning of the best.” Our primary task is to be prepared and peaceful while we wait.
Book # 80 He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The purpose of the stories in the Bible about hurting people is not to tell us what Jesus did. Their purpose is to tell us what Jesus does. That’s the message of the New Testament—God doing for people what people cannot do themselves.
Book # 215 America Looks Up by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kay Verrall) “When all that is good falls apart, what can good people do?” (Psalm 11:3). Isn’t David’s question ours, too? But in verse 4 David declares, “The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord is on His throne in heaven.” What we saw on September 11, 2001 has shaken our nation, but remember: God is still in His temple, He’s still on His throne, and He’s still in control.
Book # 368 He Did This Just For You - What God Did to Win Your Heart by Max Lucado (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him may not be lost, but have eternal life.
Book # 503 3:16 The Numbers of Hope by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Lucado digs deeply into one of the most famous and oft-quoted passages of the Bible – John 3:16. Lucado employs great stories and real-life illustrations to drive home points about God’s love, justice and determination to save. Max Lucado explains the meaning of this very famous verse in very easy to understand terms
Book # 566 Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kay Verrall) David’s life story is punctuated with nevertheless. The run to eight brothers, nevertheless, he was chosen to be the King of Israel. Nicknamed “Twiggy” by his nine-foot-nine-inch adversary, nevertheless, he slew Goliath with a strip of leather and a pebble. As king, he committed the double crime of adultery and murder, nevertheless, he was called “a man of after God’s own heart,” Do you need a nevertheless to be written into your biography? Fortunately, God has plenty to go around. You face giants; nevertheless, God will strengthen you. Turn a deaf ear to discouraging voices, and open your eyes to new choices. How long since you loaded your sling and took a swing at your giant? The God who made a miracle out of David stands ready to make a miracle out of you!
Book # 631 You’ll Get Through This (Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times) by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) You’ll get through this. Whatever “this” is – financial woes, relationship valleys, health crises. You fear you won’t make it through. You fear that the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. Will this gray sky ever brighten? This load ever lighten? Yes! God is in the business of redeeming the broken. Do you crave some hope for these tough times? Then this is the message you need.
Book # 658 Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Max Lucado loves Christmas. Let the sleigh bells ring. Let the carolers sing. The more Santa’s the merrier. The more trees the better. He loves it because somewhere someone will ask the Christmas questions: What’s the big deal about the baby in the manger? Who was he? What does his birth have to do with me? And the answers he’s found give us all hope. God knows what it’s like to be a human. When we talk to him about deadlines or long lines or tough times, he understands. He’s been there. He’s been here. Because of Bethlehem, we have a friend in heaven. And Christmas begins what Easter celebrates. The child in the cradle became the King on the cross. Because of Bethlehem, we have a Savior in heaven. These are the heart shaping promises of Christmas. Long after the guests have left and the carolers have gone home and the lights have come down, these promises endure. Let’s turn on the lamp, curl up in a comfortable spot, and look into the odd, wonderful story of Bethlehem. Max has found a lifetime of hope. We will too.
Book # 667 In the Eye of the Storm by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Come face-to-face with Jesus when He experienced more stress than any other day of His life aside from His crucifixion. Before the morning became evening, he had reason to weep, run, shout, curse, praise, and doubt. If you know what it means to be caught in life’s storms…if you’ve ever ridden the roller coaster of sorrow and celebration…if you’ve ever wondered if God in Heaven can relate to you on earth, then this book will encourage and inspire you. (The study guide IS on the last tape.)
Book # 669 Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Imagine your life, wholly untouched by anxiety or dread. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, or doubt, what would remain? Envision the day when you can trust more and fear less.
Book # 682 Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Where did we get this idea that we can’t change? From whence come such statements as these? “It’s just my nature to worry.” “I’ll always be pessimistic. I’m just that way.” “I can’t help the way I react. I have a bad temper.” Such thoughts are not from God. He can no more leave a life unchanged that a mother can leave a tear untouched. His plan for you is nothing short of a new heart. If you were a car, God would want control of your engine. If you were a computer, God would claim the software and the hard drive. If you were an airplane, he’d take his seat in the cockpit. But you are a person, so God wants to change your heart. God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you there. He wants you to have a heart like His. He wants you to be JUST LIKE JESUS.
Book # 697 Let the Journey Begin by Max Lucado (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Deep in every heart you will find it: a longing for meaning, a quest for purpose. If you ask the secularists what is the meaning of life they will say, “We don’t know.” At best they might agree that we are developed animals. At worst, rearranged space dust. What a contrast to God’s vision for life: “we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to devote ourselves to the good deeds for which God has designed us” (Eph. 2:10). God has placed His hand on your shoulder and said, “You’re something special.” Untethered by time, He sees us all. In fact, He saw us before we were born. And He loves what He sees. Flooded by emotion. Overcome by pride, the Starmaker turns to us, one by one and says, “You are my child. I love you dearly.” And He loves us forever. Should you ever turn from Him and walk away, He has already provided a way back. Nothing can separate you from His love. If you anchor these truths firmly in your heart, you will be ready for whatever you may encounter on the road ahead. SO LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN.
Books By Erwin Lutzer:
Book # 30 How to Say No to a Stubborn Habit by Erwin W. Lutzer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Every day you face the choice between good and evil and wonder why God doesn't dull your passions. This book shows you how to say NO to sin and YES to God.
BOOKS BY John MacArthur:
Book # 101 How to Get the Most From God’s Word: An Everyday Guide to Enrich your Bible Study by John MacArthur (Narrator, Allison Wilson) Here’s a companion for your Bible study that is solid, meaningful and practical, cutting to the heart of God’s word, leading you deeper in your relationship with God.
Book # 117 The Pillars of Christian Character by John MacArthur (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Inner attitudes that reflect the condition of your heart are also what God deems most important—foundational attitudes, or “pillars” of Christian character outlined in God’s word (genuine faith, obedience, humility, selfless love, forgiveness, self-discipline, gratitude, and worship). There is transforming power when you combine them in your everyday living as God commands.
Book # 220 Our Awesome God by John MacArthur (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) To know God fully is the cry that should echo in the heart of every believer, for knowing God is the essence of being a Christian. To truly know Him, we must discover what He revealed about Himself in His word. And as you begin to know and delight in Him, you will also come to know just how much He delights in you.
Book # 227 Found: God’s Will by John MacArthur, Jr. (Narrator: Kay Verrall) You may want to jump and shout when you read the sixth principle for knowing when you have found God’s will. The sixth principle is “Do whatever you want” as long as the first five principles are operating in your life. Read about all six principles to better understand what the psalmist means when he urges, “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart” (Psalm 37:4).
Book # 309 Twelve Ordinary Men by John Mac Arthur (Narrator: Marty Jensen) As you consider the Twelve you'll be faced with a stunning fact: they were ordinary, hopelessly human, remarkably unremarkable. But they were available and obedient to the Master's call. If Christ can accomplish His purpose through the lives of common men like these, imagine what He has in store for you!
Book # 350 Hard to Believe by John MacArthur (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) What we sometimes fail to recognize is that although Jesus Christ offered a message of forgiveness, He also spoke challenging, demanding words about what being a follower of Christ requires. John MacArthur reveals the challenging things Jesus had to say about being His true follower.
Book # 478 The Power of Suffering by John MacArthur, Jr. (Narrator: Eric Lane) Persecution and suffering can be the hardest areas of our life to accept, says MacArthur. In his newest book, he shows you how to victoriously face the prospect of suffering and the valuable lessons you can learn from God.
Books By Shari MacDonald:
Book # 523 Our God Reigns: The Stories Behind Your Favorite Praise and Worship Songs by Shari MacDonald (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Read the compelling testimonies of today’s psalmists, musicians, and poets. Share their stories with friends and fellow worshipers. Sing twenty-five of your favorite praise songs and choruses—with a new understanding of the insights, pain, and devotion that helped birth each extraordinary one.
Books By Francis MacNutt:
Book # 674 The Prayer That Heals (Praying for Healing in the Family by Francis MacNutt (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) In Mr. MacNutt’s words, “Praying at home is such a beautiful experience, and so easy to learn if people are taught and encouraged to try. I hope this little book meets the needs of families that want to learn, as simply as possible, how to pray at home, who especially want to know how to pray for the healing of members of their family. I would like this book to help in a gentle revolution that will get families to actually pray together. I hope it will show how you can pray for healing with your husband, your wife, your child, or your friend.”
Books by David Mathis
700 The Christmas We Didn’t Expect by David Mathis (Narrator: Rosella Goddard) The Christmas story is one surprise after another, and none more so than this: that God himself became one of us. But sometimes the details become so familiar that they lose their impact. In this Advent devotional, David Mathis walks us through the surprising twists and stunning turns of Jesus’ arrival. These 24 daily readings and prayers will renew your worship of and wonder at Christ during the Advent season, as you marvel each day at the one who become flesh that first Christmas.
Books By Bernie May:
Book # 504 Learning to Trust by Bernie May (Narrator: Allison Lee) “I have learned that trusting God is my own way to personal growth. I think of the thousands of missionaries who have been sent out through Wycliffe Bible Translators, thinking their sole purpose was to translate the Bible into the languages of Bibleless tribes. Yet invariably so many of these people return and say the greatest think which happened to them was not completing the translation of the Bible – as monumental a task as that is – but the fact that as they trusted God for this impossible task, they found themselves actually growing into the image of Jesus Christ.” We trust Him because He is God.
Books By Josh McDowell:
Book # 5 More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This is a hard-hitting book for people who are skeptical about Jesus’ deity, his resurrection, and his claims on their lives.
Book #400 Friend of the Lonely Heart by Josh McDowell and Norm Wakefield (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) You CAN overcome the loneliness from being rejected. The authors give you practical proven advice that will enable you to break the loneliness cycle, put real meaning into your life, and help you uncover the reasons why you feel lonely. Discover how the true friend of the lonely heart can empower you to live an exciting, more fulfilling life.
Books By Kate McVeigh:
Book # 690 Single and Loving It by Kate McVeigh (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Jeremiah 29:11 says, “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Your future is bright! As a matter of fact, it’s so bright you’re going to have to put on sunglasses! My prayer is that as you read this book, it will be a life-changing experience for you. While you are in this season of singleness, make the best of it by drawing near to God and getting to know Him better. Take advantage of this time you have right now to focus all your attention on Him. This book will help give you the tools you need to be an uncommon single and soar with God, being all you were created to be. Get ready to triumph and live an uncommon, victorious, exceptional Christian life!
Books By Joyce Meyer:
Book #170 The Word, the Name, the Blood by Joyce Meyer (Narrator: Allison Wilson) In this book she uncovers the keys of building a strong foundation in the scriptures that govern our authority as believers, correctly using the authority of the name of Jesus, and understanding the power we have through the blood of Jesus. By using principles outlined in this book, you will learn to effectively use the weapons God has given you!
Book # 399 The Root of Rejection by Joyce Meyer (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) You can be free from the effects of rejection! No one totally escapes rejection. But not everybody has to be damaged by it! You will learn: How to identify the root of rejection; the causes and results of rejection; the effects of rejection on your perception of yourself and those around you; how to tear down the walls rejection causes you to build; and, how to avoid the unrealistic expectations of perfection.
Book # 457 Me and My Big Mouth by Joyce Meyer (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Is your mouth busy telling about all the troubles in your life? Does it seem as though your mouth has a mind of its own? Put your mouth on a crash course to victory. You can take your hold of the words you speak and make them work for you! Best-selling author Joyce Meyer emphasizes that speaking the Word of God must be coupled with living a life of complete obedience to the Word of God in order to see the full power of God flowing in your life.
Book # 497 Beauty for Ashes: Receiving Emotional Healing by Joyce Meyer (Narrator: Allison Lee) A victim of childhood abuse, Meyer outlines the truths that brought recovery to her life and offers biblical advice to help you deal with emotional pain, grab hold of God’s unconditional love, and wait for His timing in healing painful memories. You’ll be encouraged by her journey from tragic youth to triumphant adult.
Book # 612 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) In her signature straightforward style, Joyce Meyer reveals no fewer than one hundred ways to immediately improve your life. It all begins with exercising faith rather than doubt and confidence rather than people-pleasing. Determination is key—and God will empower you to develop a better lifestyle. Joyce reminds us that the Bible is full of examples of God’s provision and His instruction to focus on one day at a time. Set yourself free by realizing you don’t have to do, fix, or manage everything.
Book # 678 Seven Things That Steal Your Joy (Overcoming the Obstacles to Your Happiness) by Joyce Meyer (Narrator: Kathleen Lane The psalmist David said, This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Over and over again in the Old and New Testaments, we are told to lift up our hearts and sing. But do you find yourself worrying your days away? Do you get angry more often than you laugh? Do you want to be happier but feel overwhelmed by sorrow? The power of joy can change that.
Books by Beth Moore
662 Get Out of That Pit by Beth Moore (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) From her first breath of fresh air beyond the pit, it has never been enough for Beth Moore to be free. This author and teacher who’s opened the riches of Scripture to millions has longed for you to be free as well. Her journey out of the pit has been heart-rending. But from this and the poetic expressions of Psalm 40 has come the reward: a new song for her soul—given by her Savior and offered to you here, friend to friend. It is Beth Moore’s most stirring message yet of the sheer hope, utter deliverance…and complete and glorious freedom of God. It is a story, a song—a salvation—that you can know too.
Books By Ruth Myers:
Book # 568 31 Days of Praise by Ruth Myers (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Praise. It leads you into God’s awesome presence, into the delight of His Word, into the sure knowledge of his great love for you. If you long to experience God in a fresh, deep way, you’ll treasure this personal praise guide. Every day a different Scripture-based devotion helps you to cultivate the heart habit of praise and worship. You’ll be gently inspired to appreciate and adore the Lord in all things, even in the midst of pain, heartache, or disappointment.
Book # 569 31 Days of Prayer by Ruth Myers (Narrator: Kay Verrall) God invites us – welcomes us—into the high privilege of talking and working with Him. This book shows you how to enjoy that privilege and begin an incredible prayer adventure. You’ll discover in new ways that prayer is the slender nerve that moves the mighty hand of God. This is the perfect book to lead you in prayer for a full month and help you create a prayer habit that lasts a lifetime. Rise above earthbound living and into a new awareness of the Lord’s delightful presence.
Books by J. I. Packer
Book #236 Knowing God by J. I. Packer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This classic has revealed to countless Christians around the world the wonder, the glory and the joy of knowing God. Now more than ever, next to the scripture, this 20th Anniversary Edition could be the most significant book you will read this year...or the next.
Books By Nav Press:
Book # 27 Your Life in Christ (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Book 1 from the Design for Discipleship series from NavPress. Topics explored in this book are (1) God cares for you, (2) the Person of Jesus Christ, (3) the work of Christ, and (4) the Spirit within you.
Book # 28 The Spirit Filled Christian (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Book two in the Design for Discipleship series. This book covers the topics of the obedient Christian, God’s word in your life, conversing with God, fellowship with Christians, and witnessing for Christ.
Book # 428 Leader’s Guide/Design for Discipleship by NavPress (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) (1 Cassette)
Book # 429 Growing in Discipleship by NavPress (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The sixth book in the Design for Discipleship series.
Book # 430 Our Hope in Christ by NavPress (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The seventh book in the Design for Discipleship series.
Books By Navigators:
Book # 35 Walking With Christ by Navigators (Narrator: Marty Jensen) In the third book in the Design for Discipleship series, you will be studying five important aspects of your life with Jesus: Maturing in Christ, the Lordship of Christ, Faith and the Promises of God, Knowing God’s Will and Walking as a Servant.
Book # 94 The Character of the Christian by Navigators (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The fourth book in the Design for Discipleship series. This book covers the following titles: The Call to Fruitful Living; Genuine Love in Action; Purity of Life, Integrity in Living; and, Character in Action.
Book # 110 Foundations for Faith by Navigators (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The fifth book in the Design for Discipleship series. This book includes the following chapter titles: (1) Who is God? (2) The Authority of God’s word, (3) The Holy Spirit, (4) Spiritual Warfare, and (5) The Return of Christ.
Book # 650 The Faith of St. Nick (An Advent Devotional) by Ann Nichols (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Nicholas of Myra, St. Nicholas, St. Nick, Santa Claus Who is this man both young and old hold so dear? Take a Christ-centered journey this Christmas Season unlike any you have ever experienced in this unique Advent devotional! The life of the real St. Nick edifies, inspires, and directs all to the Incarnate Lord, Jesus Christ. Get to know the real man of great faith who loved Jesus. Be with him from the day he is born until the day he dies nearly a century later. There’s a reason the entire world has loved St. Nicholas for 1,700 years. Find out why in The Faith of St. Nick.
Books By Henri Nouwen:
Book # 469 The Way of the Heart by Henri J. M. Nouwen (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The Way of the Heart shows us a spiritual path whose steppingstones are three: Solitude (learning not to be alone but to be alone with God); Silence (the discipline by which the inner fire of God is tended and kept alive); and Prayer (standing in the presence of God with the mind in the heart.)
Book # 470 In the Name of Jesus by Henri J. M. Nouwen (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Reflections of Christian Leadership.
Book # 483 The Wounded Healer by Henri J. M. Nouwen (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) In this hope-filled and profoundly simple book, Nouwen offers a radically fresh interpretation of modern ministry. Here he inspires devoted men and women who want to be of service in their church or community, but have found the traditional ways of ministry alienating and ineffective. According to Nouwen, ministers are called to identify the suffering in their own hearts and make that recognition the starting point of their service. For Nouwen, ministers must be willing to go beyond their professional, somewhat aloof role and leave themselves open as fellow human beings with the same wounds and suffering as those they serve. In other words, we heal from our wounds.
Book # 670 Making All Things New (An Invitation to the Spiritual Life) by Henri J.M. Nouwen (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The beginning of the spiritual life is often difficult not only because the powers which cause us to worry are so strong but also because the presence of God's Spirit seems barely noticeable. If, however, we are willing to live a life of prayer and practice the disciplines of solitude and community, a new hunger will make itself known. This new hunger is the first sign of God's presence. "A fine introduction to the spiritual life". "Solid nourishment for the soul".
Book # 684 Life of the Beloved by Henri J.M. Nouwen (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) This personal witness to a God who calls us the Beloved is the fruit of a long friendship between journalist-writer Fred Bratman and Henri Nouwen. Henri is trying to respond to Fred’s concern to live a spiritual life in the midst of a very secular world. A remarkable aspect of this book is that while Henri writes to a personal friend, he in fact found a language that speaks clearly and convincingly to all who search for the Spirit of God in the world. Here is a ringing affirmation that everyone is loved by God and can enjoy “the life of the beloved.” T reveals the wonders of the spiritual journey and renews the fire of faith.
BOOKS BY J. I. Packer:
Book # 510 Great Grace: A 31-Day Devotional by J I Packer and Beth Feia (Narrator: Eric Lane) In Great Grace, one of the most beloved and respected theologians of our time sheds new light on the enormous role grace plays in every aspect of our lives. The 31 devotions are richly interwoven with hymns that are part of the Christian treasury.
Books By Frank Peretti:
Book #147 The Wounded Spirit by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Frank Peretti’s examines the pain from his past and helps us uncover the scars in our own lives in this nonfiction work. From tragic stories like Columbine, he illustrates how ridicule and rejection can push people beyond the brink. Then he shows us the way to heal the wounded spirit that lies within us all.
Book #152 Escape from the Island of Aquarius by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Book #2 of the Cooper Kids Adventure Series. Join Dr. Cooper, Jay and Lila as they travel to an exotic South Sea Island and battle a tyrannical leader of a cult, vicious poisonous snakes, fierce biting insects and bone crushing earthquakes.
Book #157 The Tombs of Anak by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Allison Wilson) Book #3 of the Cooper Kids AdventureSeries. Jay, Lila and their archaeologist father, Dr. Cooper, hope to find a coworker who has unaccountably disappeared. Instead, they stumble onto a frightening religion and new mysteries that soon put them all in incredible danger.
Book #179 Trapped at the Bottom of the Sea by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Marty Jensen)
Book # 151 Door in the Dragon’s Throat by Frank Peretti (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Book #1 of the Cooper Kids Adventure Series. These books are fiction for youth, ages 10-14, and are similar to Indiana Jones adventures but with a strong evangelical message. Dr. Jacob Cooper and his children Jay and Lila experience many exciting perils as they solve mysteries around the world.
Book # 436 The Passion of Jesus Christ by John Piper (Narrator: Kay Verrall) The most important questions anyone can ask are: Why was Jesus Christ crucified? Why did he suffer so much? What has this to do with me? Finally, who sent him to his death? The answer to the last question is that God did. Jesus was God’s Son. The suffering was unsurpassed, but the whole message of the Bible leads to this answer. Why did Christ suffer and die? The central issue of Jesus’ death is not the cause, but the meaning—God’s meaning. John Piper has gathered from the New Testament fifty reasons in answer to the most important question that each of us must face: What did God achieve for sinners like us in sending his Son to die?
Books By Derek Prince:
Book #484 Lucifer Exposed: The Devil’s Plan to Destroy Your Life by Derek Prince (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The fall of Lucifer set up “the battle of the ages.” You are positioned right in the midst of this historic struggle! Satan, the fallen archangel, desires nothing more than to win the loyalty, hearts, and minds of the entire human race – and he won’t quit in his attempt to win you over! Prince exposes Satan’s greatest weapon in enslaving the average human into bondage. Satan attempts to seduce Christians from rising to their full potential and to distract every human being from following God.
Book # 512 Judging: When? Why? How? By Derek Prince (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Some passages of Scripture say, “Judge,” while others say, “Don’t judge.” Most Christians aren’t sure that they should judge anything – others feel responsible to raise a moral standard, but don’t know how much authority they have. Derek Prince cuts through the apparent conflict to explain: Who is authorized to judge? When is judgment called for? What are we authorized to judge? Where are the limits? Why does our attitude matter? In a world that turns its back on God while crying, “Don’t judge me,” Derek Prince weighs in with a scriptural affidavit for sound judgment.
Book # 570 You Matter to God by Derek Prince (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) With depth, insight and tenderness, Derek will open your eyes to one of the greatest truths of all time: You are priceless to our Lord. Be set free from guilt, insecurity, fear and shame. Grasp your special place in all of God’s created world. When you do, you will see your worth through the eyes of the One who has given everything for you.
Book # 577 Spiritual Warfare by Derek Prince (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Derek Prince explains the battle that's happening now between the forces of God and the forces of evil. Choose to be prepared by learning the enemy's strategies so you can effectively block his attack. We have God on our side, and nothing will keep us from victory.
Book # 646 The Destiny of Israel and the Church by Derek Prince (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) One of the most exciting features of the period in which we now live is that the destinies of Israel and the Church are once again beginning to converge. This convergence will produce the most dramatic and significant developments of all human history. Israel is now at the center of a powerful clash of forces, but God has established firm covenants with both Israel and the Church. So the restoration of Israel must be of profound concern for Christians if the reliability of Scripture is not to be called into question. Derek Prince’s application of his scriptural insights to the present-day situation in the Middle East carries the marks of wisdom and balance….It is one every serious student of Scripture and of contemporary events can ponder with profit.
Book # 647 Where Wisdom Begins (“Understanding the Fear of The Lord”) by Derek Prince (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) The Bible says that the fear of the Lord if the “beginning of wisdom” (Psalms 111:10 and the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:8). Proverbs 14:27 even calls it a “fountain of life”! But do people really understand what is meant by “the fear of The Lord”? The “fear of The Lord” is a deep sense of reverence and awe of The One who created us, loves us, and saved us. Experience peace and confidence by cultivating the fear of The Lord, the place Where Wisdom Begins!
Book # 648 Keys to Successful Living (“12 ways to discover God’s best for your life”) by Derek Prince (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Life rarely goes the way you hope. But you can take action! Important secrets to living a successful life are found in the 12 keys of the book of Hebrews. Bestselling author Derek Prince uncovers these keys and reveals how they will unlock God’s provision and blessing for you. No matter what situations you are facing, you can step into the successful future God has planned for you. You are being handed the keys to a better life. Will you use them?
BOOKS BY Roberta Rand:
Book # 75 Playing the Tuba at Midnight by Roberta Rand (Narrator: Allison Wilson) The single life also has its downside. Roberta Rand knows. She’s been there and still is. With humor and wit she chronicles the experiences of living single—from our battles with the Godzilla of Loneliness to our never-ending search for Mr. Right. Taking on our most fearsome bugaboos, she shows us how we can transform the single experience into one of genuine joy and real hope.
Books by Leonard Ravenhill
Book #33 Revival God’s Way by Leonard Ravenhill (Narrator: Marty Jensen) "We live in a generation which has never known revival—God’s way,” says Ravenhill. The author’s message is drastic and fearless. His goal for the church is full restoration to the glory, power, holiness, and dignity that Christ always intended for it.
Book # 490 Christ in the Passover by Cell and Moishe Rosen (Narrator: Eric Bane) This best-selling title from the ministry of Jews for Jesus is now revised with an updated appendix. It is written for Jews, messianic believers, and Gentiles curious about the connection between the ancient holy day of the Old Testament and Jesus Christ, and for missionaries evangelizing to Jewish people. A comprehensive and convincing book at how the Passover is fulfilled in Christ. This book teaches the history of the ancient holy day Passover, the meaning behind the symbols of the modern Seder meal and how they relate to Christ, and how Christ fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies about the Jewish Messiah.
Books by J. Oswald Sanders
Book #19 Facing Loneliness by J. Oswald Sanders (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The author shows how to identify the symptoms and causes of loneliness, and how to deal with the heart of the issue—the lonely person’s lack of intimacy. This book is full of hope and practical wisdom to challenge you to take specific steps to overcome the unhappy effects of being lonely.
Book #9 Heaven: Better by Far by J. Oswald Sanders (Narrator: Marty Jensen) While heaven will provide a final home for those who love God, comparing it to the most luxurious places we know, only better—falls far short of reality.
Books by Elly Sanna
Book #206 God’s Hall of Fame by Elly Sanna (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Welcome to God’s Hall of Fame, where you’ll meet 25 of the greatest Christians of all time. From Augustine to Crosby, Elliot to Graham, Luther to Moody, and ten Boom to Wesley, you’ll find some of the most interesting, most powerful, most godly people ever to live and serve Christ on this earth.
Books by David A. Seamands
Book #540 Healing for Damaged Emotions by David A. Seamands (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Whether through our own fallen temperament, willful disobedience, or as victims of the hurtful actions of others, many of us struggle with crippling emotions, among them perfectionism, depression, and low self-worth. The pain is often present with us even though the incidents and relationships that caused it may be long past. Through David Seamands’ realistic, Scriptural approach, you too can find healing and then become an agent of healing for fellow strugglers.
Book # 664 Jews Don’t Need Jesus…and Other Misconceptions (Reflections of a Jewish Believer) by Avi Snyder (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Jews Don’t Need Jesus…and Other Misconceptions is an earnest plea for Jews to embrace Jesus as their Messiah—and for Christians to proclaim Him as such. Avi Snyder shows clearly from Scripture how Jesus is the only way to salvation for all people, and he illustrates his points from real encounters. His arguments are tight yet sincere and empathetic, resulting in a convincing call to believe in Jesus and invite others to do the same. Anyone who wants motivation for evangelism and a reminder of God’s mercy will find both in this heartfelt book.
BOOKS BY James Snyder:
Book # 177 In Pursuit of God by James Snyder (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The zenith of A. W. Tozer’s influence was reached as editor of Alliance Life. Viewed even by his contemporaries as a preacher and writer with a prophetic edge, Tozer had a powerful effect on people. The biography is laced with vignettes from Mrs. Tozer, family, friends, and colleagues. There are also little known “Tozer-grams,” pithy sayings gleaned from a monthly church newsletter. These portray some of Tozer’s earliest writing. This new material, in a fresh format, introduces a whole new audience to the man and ministry that most affectionately just call “Tozer.”
Book # 96 The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul (Narrator: Kay Verrall) From Rudolph Otto’s mysterium tremendum to Martin Luther’s “insanity” to Jonathan Edwards’ fiery sermons, Dr. Sproul’s challenging exploration of history and the Bible will carry you into a fresh understanding of the meaning of justice, sin, and grace and how these matters compel us to live each day.
Books By Charles Stanley:
Book # 82 Confronting Casual Christianity by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Marty Jensen) “The severest sin of Christians is a numbing lack of concern, an anesthetized attitude of ‘I don’t care. I’m in the fold. Why should I concern myself?’ ” says the author. He attacks the spiritual disease of apathy in the church with this revitalizing call to service.
Book # 216 When Tragedy Strikes by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kay Verrall) When the unspeakable happens, God is there. Dr. Stanley invites us to experience God’s compassion and challenges us to share His love. We’ll see how to respond to tragedy when it strikes.
Book # 573 God’s Way by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kay Verrall) A daily devotional.
Book # 586 The Power of the Cross by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Jessie Bennett) Using inspirational scriptures as well as personal insights and heartfelt prayers, pastor and bestselling author Charles Stanley takes a closer look at Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. In The Power of the Cross, Dr. Stanley encourages you to see the transforming power of the resurrection for salvation, victory over temptation, healing of emotional pain, and most important – restoration with the heavenly father.
Book # 600 A Touch of His Peace by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) In A Touch of His Peace Dr. Charles Stanley shares how believers can realistically experience God’s peace in today’s chaotic world. The peace of Christ can heal the guilts of your past, relieve the stresses of the present, and calm your anxiety over the future. Each devotional is accompanied by a heartfelt prayer and helpful summary will help you apply the devotional to your own life.
Book # 601 A Touch of His Love by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) A Touch of His Love explores the profound yet most basic foundational truth of Christianity, that “God so loved…” The thirty-one meditations zero in on: defusing hostility; tough love; righting wrongs; giving; solving problems; and, letting go. Providing real answers to real needs, Dr. Stanley guides you to the specific truths that serve as the gateway to love.
Book # 602 A Touch of His Freedom by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” In A Touch of His Freedom Dr. Charles Stanley applies this powerful principle he discovered in John 8:32 to thirty-one areas of life that have potential to enslave you. The thirty-one meditations touch on freedom from: fear; conceit; guilt; legalism; ingratitude; and, resentment.
Book # 626 GOD Is In Control (An Unshakable Peace In the Midst of Life’s Storms) by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) God is in control… He’s the Master of all mountains and valleys, storms and joys. God Is in Control – a powerful message of hope and comfort from author and photographer Dr. Charles Stanley.
Book # 633 The Ultimate Conversation (Talking with God Through Prayer by Charles F. Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane Have you ever considered what it means to talk to God? Is it really possible to communicate with the Creator of all that exists and be able to understand His plans and purposes for your life? Dr. Stanley not only teaches the disciplines of intercession but also explains how to fight life’s battles through intimate communion with The Lord. He explores topics such as: Learning to recognize the sound of the Father’s voice; How your perception of God shapes your prayer life; Winning your battles through prayer; and, Finding true peace and joy through intimacy with The Lord.
Book # 634 Landmines in the Path of the Believer by Charles F. Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) In Landmines in the Path of the Believer, Dr. Stanley addresses nine primary landmines that every Christian must identify and defuse in order to live a victorious life: pride, jealousy and envy, insecurity, compromise, unforgiveness, disappointment, fear, immorality and laziness. While there may be times you feel as though you are walking across a minefield, you do not have to live in fear of the enemy's threat. Dr. Stanley provides biblical principles for clearing the landmines out of your life.
Book # 640 Walking Wisely (Real Guidance for Life’s Journey) by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) God promises blessings for those who walk wisely in His ways, but that does not mean a life of ease and unending prosperity. It does mean that no matter what we face in life, we can have the assurance of God’s abiding love and continuing work in our lives. Dr. Stanley shares glimpses of his own personal struggles to walk in obedience before God. Find out how to walk wisely in your personal finances, business decisions, relationships, parenting, and intimacy with God. Discovery the wonder of living with the confidence that comes from Walking Wisely.
Book # 661 Courageous Faith: My Story from a Life of Obedience by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) As trusted pastor Dr. Charles Stanley comes to the later years of his life, he is ready to share his personal story—on a more intimate level than ever before. As he walks us through his ups and downs, he shares how the biblical principles he’s taught all his life affected the way he’s actually lived. (5 cassettes)
Book # 681 The Spirit Filled Life by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Are you trying your best to be a good Christian but still feel something’s missing? Does the peace and joy you long for seem to elude you? Can following Christ sometimes feel like a lot of work—or like it’s just not working very well? Much has been written about the Holy Spirit and what it means to have Him as an active part of your life. Dr. Stanley cuts through the confusion and teaches the truth about the Third Person of the Trinity—who is as real and active as God the Father and Christ the Son. Don’t settle for an ordinary life that lacks power, joy, and meaning. Live the mighty and victorious Christian life you were created to enjoy.
Book # 687 Enter His Gates (A Daily Devotional) by Charles Stanley (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Like the majestic, towering, and often embattled gates of ancient Jerusalem, the spiritual gates of believers must be tended and strengthened in order to protect the living faith within. In this collection of timeless wisdom, Charles Stanley takes each month as a new opportunity to explore one of the twelve precious gateways to spiritual growth and development. Challenging, thoughtful, practical, and fresh, this devotional gives you the opportunity daily to bolster the foundations of your Christian walk and find ways to praise God and proclaim His righteousness.
Books By Ray Stedman:
Book # 40 Adventuring Through The Bible by Ray Stedman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Learn to view the Bible as an accessible reference for Christlike living and a life-changing expression of God’s love. Entertaining stories and anecdotes bring biblical principles to life & verify God’s consistent involvement in human history, including yours.
Book # 257 The Servant Who Rules by Ray Stedman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Jesus was fully man and fully God! For this reason Mark's Gospel centers on these two aspects of Jesus' life. The first part of the Gospel (Mark 1-8) depicts Jesus as Servant who rules. The second part (Mark 8-16) focuses on Jesus as the Ruler who serves. In this first volume of a two-volume set, you will discover Jesus' interactions with needy people—people just like us—and uncover timeless principles for today.
Book # 258 The Ruler Who Serves by Ray Stedman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) In this second book of a two-volume set, Ray Stedman looks at Mark's gospel and finds us in it. Pride, foolishness, and faithlessness often blinded Jesus' disciples and followers. Yet He never gave up on them. And He will not give up on His disciples of today, who are often blinded by the same things.
Books By Lee Strobel:
Book # 271 The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts and challenges them with many questions. How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence for Jesus exist outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual event? It's a riveting quest for the truth about history's most compelling figure.
Book # 441 Experiencing the Passion of Jesus by Lee Strobel & Garry Poole (Narrator: Kay Verrall) (A Discussion Guide on History’s Most Important Event) More than ever Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection are stirring tough issues and challenging questions. Here’s a provocative guide designed to help you explore: who really killed Jesus; what crime did Jesus commit; did it actually happen like that; why did Jesus suffer and die; what did the resurrection accomplish; how is this story relevant to me. Experience how the passion of Jesus can transform your life and your future.
Book # 450 The Case for Christmas by Lee Strobel (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Who was in the manger that first Christmas morning? Who was he—really? And how can you know for sure? The Case for Christmas invites you to consider why Christmas matters in the first place. Somewhere beyond the traditions of the holiday lies the truth. It may be more compelling than you’ve realized. Weigh the facts…and decide for yourself.
Book # 465 The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel (Narrator: Allison Lee) The Case for Faith investigates the nettlesome issues and doubts of the hearts that can threaten anyone’s faith, even if he or she believes in Jesus Christ. Strobel again seeks out the experts as an investigative reporter to uncover answers to the toughest issues of the Christian life.
Book # 537 The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Did Jesus of Nazareth really rise from the dead? Of the many world religions, only one claims that its founder returned from the grave. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very cornerstone of Christianity. But a dead man coming back to life? Some argue that Jesus never died on the cross. Conflicting accounts make the empty tomb seem suspect. Lee Strobel probes the core issues of the resurrection. Jesus Christ, risen from the dead: superstitious myth or life-changing reality? The evidence is in. The verdict is up to you.
Book # 237 Simply Jesus by Joseph Stowell (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) What keeps you from experiencing the close relationship with God you earnestly desire? Joe Stowell relates his own journey toward a radical shift in values that can lead you, too, into a joyously close and intimate encounter with God’s Son.
Books By Charles Swindoll:
Book # 22 Growing Deep in the Christian Life by Charles A. Swindoll (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Here are the right foundations for a faith that won’t fold, a serenity that isn’t shallow, a joy you can’t leave behind. Here are strong and stabilizing truths, life-roots.
Book # 31 Start Where You Are by Charles R. Swindoll (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Just starting out on the journey of life, or are you a little road weary? Chuck offers upbeat and practical advice on creating a life worth living, no matter what your circumstances are now or where you want to go in the future.
Book # 44 Laugh Again by Charles R. Swindoll (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Taking us through the book of Philippians with its theme of joy, Chuck asks the question, “When did life stop being funny?” His answer is found in this best-selling book that speaks to all busy, joy-drained people. (Phil. 4:4)
Book # 162 Simple Faith by Charles R. Swindoll (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Swindoll reminds Christians that they serve a God who promised freedom, peace, and rest, not a pace somewhere between maddening and insane. And it’s everlasting—not exhausting—life, remember? Here is an exhilarating invitation to simple faith.
Book # 217 Why, God? by Charles R. Swindoll (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Do each day’s threats of terrorism fill your heart with fear? Here is what you need—words of faith and hope from one of America’s most loved and trusted pastors.
Book # 219 Dropping Your Guard by Charles R. Swindoll (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Dropping Your Guard is Swindoll’s challenge to Christians to come out of hiding—to put down our masks and risk relating to one another openly and honestly. Overcoming indifference and building close, deep, caring relationships can be a frightening step, but he maintains that it is the only really satisfying way to live, the only path to authentic, meaningful friendships and genuine fellowship.
Book # 231 The Grace Awakening by Charles R. Swindoll (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Life should be more than grim-faced religion, but we’re surrounded by people who criticize, condemn, and crush any hope of joyful living. Chuck points out that many of the very people who should be spreading the gospel of grace have instead become self-righteous bullies and self-appointed judges. This daring and discerning book pulls no punches but is also a book of hope, leading us beyond the frustration and guilt of trying to please others to the wondrous, liberating grace of God.
Book # 352 Perfect Trust by Charles Swindoll (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The Christian life is at once a most rewarding and most difficult experience. When medicine stops working or bills come due, it’s hard to trust God completely. But, as you study God’s character in scripture, you’ll find the faith to trust Him in everything.
Book # 361 Behold...the Man by Charles R. Swindoll (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The pathway Jesus took to the cross of Calvary is commonly called “the Passion.” On this pathway of His passion, Jesus paused for a torturous scourging and plodded on doggedly to a horrific death on a hillside called the Skull. In this incredible, historically accurate story, you will come face to face with Jesus—The Man of Sorrow. If you’re honest, you’ll find the amazing answer to why...and you’ll change.
Books by Corrie Ten Boom
701 Tramp For the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom (Narrator: Jessie Bennett) In a series of vignettes, Ms. Ten Boom recounts the horror of life in a concentration camp, the power of salvation and forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ as she “tramped” around the world sharing the Gospel that changes lives
Books by Tommy Tenney
Book #202 The God Chasers by Tommy Tenney (Narrator: Kay Verrall) A God chaser is a person whose passion for God’s presence presses him to chase the impossible in hopes that the unmatchable might catch him, like a child that chases a loving parent until, suddenly, the strong arms of the father enfold the chaser. This could be a dangerous book unless you truly want to pursue God!
BOOKS BY James Thomas:
Book # 564 Pilgrim’s Progress in Today’s English by John Bunyan/retold by James H. Thomas (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Feel like the only person with struggles in the Christian life? Wonder if anyone else has traveled the same road? Millions of Christians have cherished John Bunyan’s allegorical tale of the journey Christian and Christina made to the Celestial City. Written in the 1600’s, this immortal classic is now available in a modern-day, understandable text.
BOOKS BY A.W. Tozer:
Book # 39 The Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Tozer reminds you that Christianity is a living, vibrant relationship with a personal God and challenges you to renew your relationship with the living God. In each of 10 chapters, he explains one aspect of waiting for God and ends with a prayer. Book #104 Jesus, Our Man in Glory by A. W. Tozer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This book is the first of two volumes compiled from a series of 40 sermons on Hebrews that Tozer preached shortly before his death in 1963.
Book #130 Whatever Happened to Worship? by A. W. Tozer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Decrying much of modern worship as entertainment, A. W. Tozer pleads for the practice of genuine worship—worship in spirit and truth, in praise and adoration, in humility and love. In Whatever Happened to Worship? A. W. Tozer rekindles the fire of radiant worship that accomplishes great deeds done for Christ.
Book # 314 The Attributes of God, Vol. I by A. W. Tozer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) A journey of faith into the Father's heart. Learn of God's Infinitude, Holiness, Grace, Immanence, Omnipresence, Mercy, and much more.
Book # 327 The Attributes of God, Vol. 2 by A.W. Tozer (Narrator: Marty Jensen) In this second and final volume of our Great God's attributes, we will consider God's Character, God's Love, God's Wisdom, God's Faithfulness, God's Sovereignty, and much more.
Books by Michael Van Dyke
Book #184 Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Michael Van Dyke (Narrator: Marty Jensen) In solitary confinement, he found true freedom. It was April 1943 in Nazi Germany. It was the last time Dietrich Bonhoeffer saw his family as a free man. Pastor, professor, one of the 20th Century’s most brilliant minds, Bonhoeffer was also soon to be a martyr. After struggling with the moral issues involved, he had joined the resistance to his country’s dictator, Adolf Hitler. Now he was on his way to solitary confinement. But Bonhoeffer was never truly alone in his concrete cell, because the Lord was with him. Anchoring his daily life in the simple disciplines of Bible study and prayer, he used his time to ponder and write on deep spiritual issues. In April 1945, just a few weeks before World War II ended in Europe, the Nazis hanged Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He had written of “the cost of discipleship,” and paid that cost with his life. His investment, though, continues to pay dividends today for those who follow his example.
Book # 406 What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) You are not an accident! This small booklet answers life’s three biggest questions: 1) Why am I alive? (The question of existence), 2) Does my life matter? (The question of significance), and 3) What is my purpose? (The question of intention).
Book #60 Corrie Ten Boom by Sam Wellman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Moved by the tragic plight of the Jews, the Ten Booms hid them upstairs above the family’s respected watch business in a secret room, a hiding place. Because such activities labeled them as enemies of the Nazis, Corrie and her family were subject to imprisonment and torture in a notorious concentration camp. Yet nothing deterred Corrie from sharing God’s word and His love, even in the most unthinkable circumstances.
Book #105 Billy Graham by Sam Wellman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) No preacher before him had used the mass media to such advantage. No preacher before or after him has delivered the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to so many. Billy Graham, who has preached in person in more than 80 countries to over 110 million people, and has reached hundreds of millions through television and radio, is truly a phenomenon of the 20th century. Billy Graham has remained as sought after in Washington, DC as in Warsaw. His personal integrity and humility, and most of all his simple yet profound delight in God’s word, continue to influence lives and win souls for Jesus Christ.
Book #218 David Livingstone by Sam Wellman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) To go where no missionary had ever been, to smell the smoke of unknown villages, to witness to peoples beyond the vast Kalahari, such were the dreams of David Livingstone. While perhaps best remembered as the recipient of Henry Stanley’s understated query, “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” the humble Livingstone disdained acclaim during his lifetime. Born into poverty in Scotland and educated in medicine, he was first sent to South Africa in 1840, but at once recognized the dearth of missionaries in the northern regions. Exhaustion, serious illness, and wild animals, not to mention the murderous activities of slave traders, became commonplace as Dr. Livingstone journeyed south to Angola, then to Mozambique, and later, Victoria Falls. Driven by his faith, and his sense of outrage, Livingstone’s life and writings would ignite the Dark Continent as never before.
Book #300 Gladys Aylward by Sam Wellman (Narrator: Marty Jensen) After being rejected by a mission board for service in China, Gladys found her own way there in 1932. For almost 40 years she trusted God to meet all her needs as she served the Chinese people. Gladys praised God that "one so insignificant, uneducated, and ordinary in every way could be used to His glory for the blessing of His people in poor persecuted China."
Books by Warren Wiersbe
Book #69 The Names of Jesus by Warren W. Wiersbe (Narrator: Marty Jensen) “Every name Jesus wears is a blessing he shares.” This aphorism captures the heart of this biblical study by Warren Wiersbe. In The Names of Jesus, he explains the meaning and relevance of 14 names of Jesus from both the Old and New Testaments.
Book #64 Windows on the Parables by Warren Wiersbe (Narrator: Marty Jensen) Wiersbe offers insights into 13 of Jesus’ most beloved parables. Meet yourself in the ancient parables and see the light they shed for your life today. Be prepared, because “the parables are not bedtime stories to put us to sleep, but bugle calls to wake us up.”
Book #299 A Gallery of Grace by Warren Wiersbe (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) Using the common things of earth to which we can relate, God shows us the profound and eternal truths about what a Christian is and can become. God paints a picture in scripture of you as a beloved sheep in God's personal flock, a precious stone in His magnificent building, a holy priest before His altar, and a mighty soldier in His triumphant army.
Book #337 The Bumps Are What You Climb On: Encouragement for Difficult Days by Warren W. Wiersbe (Narrator: Idell Ludwig) In this book Warren W. Wiersbe offers solid hope and comfort for times when you are faced with depression, frustration, disappointment, or loneliness. These meditations from the Bible show you how to trust in God’s promises, reap the benefits of forgiveness, find contentment, add joy to life, and more.
Books By David Wilkerson:
Book # 501 America’s Last Call by David Wilkerson (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) “In my flesh, I don’t want to hear the message in this book. I too enjoy the abounding prosperity of our nation. Yet the past decade of ever-increasing prosperity has lulled our nation—including the church—to sleep, and we keep hoping our great American dream will not soon end. I believe that every praying Christian and every thinking American knows intuitively our nation has crossed a line of some kind—that God’s patience is near an end, and a day of reckoning has come.”
Book #507 God’s Plan to Protect His People in the Coming Depression by David Wilkerson (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) Many believers have put their eternal destiny into the Lord’s hands – but not all have done the same with their earthly destiny. God is about to take His church into a wilderness of testing, to strip away our human resources and make us wholly dependent on Him and to bring us into His rest! Get alone with Jesus and seek His face and develop a loving relationship with Him in prayer.
Books By Bruce Wilkinson:
Book # 142 Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Taking you to an obscure corner of 1 Chronicles, Wilkinson introduces you to Jabez, whose audacious one-sentence prayer brought him extraordinary blessings—and has changed thousands of believers’ lives.
Book # 163 Secrets of the Vine by Dr. Bruce H. Wilkinson (Narrator: Kay Verrall) Do you want to experience the joy of making maximum impact for God? Join Bruce Wilkinson for a journey through John 15. Find out why Jesus is the Vine of life and explore the four levels of “fruit bearing.”
Book #181 The Prayer of Jabez for Teens by Bruce Wilkinson (Narrator: Idell Ludwig)
Book #182 The Prayer of Jabez for Kids by Bruce Wilkinson (Narrator: Idell Ludwig)
Book # 302 A Life God Rewards by Bruce Wilkinson (Narrator: Kay Verrall) In this stirring follow-up to his bestsellers, The Prayer of Jabez and Secrets of the Vine, Bruce Wilkinson shows you what Jesus said about God's plan to reward you in eternity for what you do for Him today. What you'll discover will unlock the power and potential of your life, starting now, and you'll begin to live with the unshakable certainty that what you do today matters—forever!
Books by Gary Wilkerson
Book 642 David Wilkerson by Gary Wilkerson (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) When David Wilkerson moved to New York City from rural Pennsylvania in 1958 to confront the gangs who ran the streets, he was a 120-pound man with a heart full of passion. Having seen a photograph of seven teens who were members of a gang known as the Egyptian Dragons, he entered the court room where they were being tried for murder and told the judge he had something to say to them. The judge ejected him. Thus began Wilkerson’s lifelong mission to the rejected and ignored. He was a nondenominational, street-level missionary of the slums, standing face to face with those who ran the streets through drugs and violence. He was a Spirit-led steamroller, bucking secular and church systems to reach the hardest populations for good. He was a man of vision who boldly wrote of national prophecies and could not be shaken from his beliefs, even when counseled otherwise. In 1963, Wilkerson, published his monumental book The Cross and The Switchblade, which chronicled the conversion of gang leader Nicky Cruz and has sold more than 16 million copies worldwide. Wilkerson later founded Times Square Church, a nondenominational megachurch of 8,000 members. He was a man of faith, passion and conviction and this book will inspire and strengthen you in your own faith journey. what our response will be to similar cases of inhumanity both now and in the future.
Books By Anne Wimberly:
Book # 357 Disciples by Anne Wimberly (Narrator: Marty Jensen) From the Bible People study series. In this book learn about Mary Magdalene, Thomas, Apollos, Mary and Martha, John, Nicodemus, and the Samaritan Woman.
Books By Thomas Ryder Worth:
Book # 685 The Incarnation by Thomas Ryder Worth (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) This collection of Advent and Christmas poems from the pen of Thomas Worth is shared in the hope that readers will fall more in love with the One who became incarnate and dwelt among us. This beautiful resource is the author’s own selection of twenty-five poems and meditations that are perfect as a personal devotional, a Dailly Reading for Advent, or as a Christmas gift.
Book # 225 Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias (Narrator: Marty Jensen) This book answers the most fundamental questions about Christianity, such as Aren’t all religions basically the same? Was Jesus who He claimed to be? Is the Christian claim to His uniqueness valid? In each chapter Zacharias considers a unique claim Jesus made and then insightfully contrasts the truth of Jesus with the founders of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.
Book # 310 Light in the Shadow of Jihad by Ravi Zacharias (Narrator: Marty Jensen) The terrorists who brought death to thousands said they did it in God's name. Just as the smoke rose for weeks from the ruins, questions still burn inside every American. Ravi Zacharias searches through the Bible to answer the following questions: Why do we call it evil when they call it good? Where was God—and on whose side? Is this true Islam or a pollution of it? Most of all, where does this leave the future of our country and our world?
Book # 673 Extravagant Worship by Darlene Zschech (Narrator: Kathleen Lane) “Extravagant worship is being offered to our King across the planet, increasing in intensity and intimacy...cutting across all denominational barriers and religious preferences. My heart's quest is that as God's eyes search the earth, He would find me to be an extravagant worshiper. I pray this book not only finds itself in your hands, but that it finds itself planted in your heart." Darlene is an Australian Pentecostal Christian worship leader and songwriter and her passion for The Lord and for worshiping Him is clearly heard through her music and songs. Be inspired as you read treasures from the heart of a true worshiper.